Wednesday, May 9, 2007


This word appears many times in scripture, for example in (1 Cor 6:9) we see idolaters, who are those who practice idolatry, listed in with fornicators, adulterers, and homosexuals. From this and other scriptures we see clearly that these people will not inherit the Kingdom of God. Then in (1 Cor 10:14) Paul tells us to "flee idolatry", and a little later in this same chapter he ties idolatry in with demons. When we think of idolatry we think of followers of some false religion worshipping some idol that they have made. This is the most common use of the word no doubt, but I suggest to you that it can have a much wider application. In verse 22 Paul speaks of God being a "jealous" God, not wanting His children to worship any other thing. It seems that idolatrous activity amounts to a confrontation with Almighty God.

We know from reading the NT that Jesus Christ was the incarnation of God on planet earth for some 33 years. Not only did He show us what God the Father was like, but he said in (John 14:6) that He was the only way to the Father. Since God is a jealous God, and will have no other gods before Him, we need to consider well what we allow to come before Jesus in our lives. I don't know anyone who makes little idols out of wood or stone, and bows down before them like the heathen of Bible times, but I have seen people allow other things to crowd out Jesus from their lives!

Things that are not evil in themselves can become idols in this sense of the word. For some people it is their job, or family, or house, or just plain "things". Materialism, or the love of possessions, have some people bound so that Jesus must take second place. This can easily happen to Spirit filled Christians, as well as anyone else. Even some special diet or supplements to our diet can become an idol. I have seen well meaning people say that if a person with some ailment would just take a certain supplement, or go on a certain diet, they would be healed. There is no question that a good well balanced diet can help to keep us healthy, but Jesus is the Healer, and should be looked to first before anything else when we need healing!

So when we are considering this word "idolatry" today in the 21st century, be careful what we include as idols. It might surprise us what the Lord will reveal to us that He considers an idol from His perspective.

Sincerely submitted-----Gramp

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