One of our favorite scriptures that tell of the promised Messiah is (Is 9:6), which we know was fulfilled when Jesus was born to the Virgin Mary in Bethlehem some 2000 years ago. When it reads "A child is born to us", this refers to His humanity, or His position as the only perfect man who became the second, or last Adam, (1Cor 15:45). However "A Son is given to us", refers to His "Divinity"! Not only was Jesus the perfect man, but He was also the "God Man" (John 1:14), and Paul declared in (Col 2:9) "For in Christ lives all the fullness of God in a human body." NLT. Because of this fact, we know that Jesus is the only person who can "reverse the curse" brought on creation by the disobedience of the first Adam. He is also the only person who is found worthy to open the seals of the scroll in (Rev 5:5).
We also know from many scriptures like (Acts 1:11), that this same Jesus that the disciples saw taken up to heaven in the clouds, will come back to earth again, just as they had seen Him go. This disproves the theory of some "secret rapture" that has been made popular by certain books and videos. Jesus will certainly come back to our planet at the time appointed by His Father, to receive a bride who has made herself ready. (Matt 24:36). His appearance will put an end to the period of tribulation by Satan's Antichrist. (Matt 24:21-22). In other words when Jesus says this time will "be shortened for the sake of God's chosen ones" NLT, He doesn't mean the 7 year period mentioned by Daniel, but only the period of the persecution by the Antichrist in the last half or 3½ year portion of this time. This will be the time of the "Rapture" that some people expect could happen at any moment, and remove the church and escape the period of tribulation. But a careful examination of all the scriptures pertaining to His return will disprove this theory. It is a very interesting fact that both the Jews and the Muslims are waiting for a coming "Messiah". When this person shows up, who the Bible identifies as the "man of lawlessness" in (2 Thess 2:1-4), other wise know as the Antichrist, these people will be deceived and welcome him as their anticipated Messiah.
So in summary, yes Jesus Christ the Son of God who came the first time as a humble babe in the manger in Bethlehem, and died on the cross on Mount Calvary, will come again in the clouds of glory to establish His actual Kingdom on planet earth! One Messiah—Two Comings!!
Sincerely submitted.
1 comment:
I'd like to invite readers to Google "Famous Rapture Watchers - Addendum." A great read. Will
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