Monday, January 23, 2012




Every thing has to have an original, from which copies can be made. The prime example of this might be an automobile manufacturer like Ford or GM when they decide to start making some new model. They will often spend several years and millions of dollars perfecting what they call a "prototype", before they start to produce them on the "assembly line". Jesus Christ would have to be referred to as the "Original Disciple Maker". He was the one and only "God Man", since He was both 100% God, yet at the same time was 100% man! While occupying His earthly body for 33+ years, he gathered around Him 12 ordinary men, and trained them to be the original "disciples", which took Him approximately 3 years. Next to His work of becoming our "Redeemer" by dying on the cross to pay the price of the sins of all mankind, this was possibly His second most important task His Father gave Him to do. God needed men to spread the good news of salvation through the blood of Christ, shed on the cross to provide this deliverance from our sinful nature passed down from the first Adam. He became the second or "Last Adam" as Paul referred to Him as in (1 Cor 15:45). The only One capable of "reversing the curse", so to speak, placed on creation by the first Adam because of not obeying the one restriction placed on him!


God's plan was to use ordinary men to start His "Church", which was to be His Body on earth to replace Jesus. This new earthly body is composed of  "born again" former sinners that the Holy Spirit, who replaced Jesus when He was called back to heaven to be with the Father, until it is time to send Him back to earth to receive this Body back, which is the Church. This plan is all part of the great "mystery" that was revealed to Paul in his letter to the church in Ephesus, which he records in chapters 2 and 3. Next to Jesus, the apostle Paul was probably the most effective disciple maker who ever lived. Timothy was one of his key disciples that he wrote 2 letters to while he was in prison in Rome. In his second letter he was reminding Timothy of the gift of God he had received when the elders laid hands on him and commissioned him into ministry. In (2 Tim 2:2) we read how Timothy was to pass on this gift of making disciples to other men. I believe this same method should still be practiced today by this "True Church". Father God has never changed his original plan and replaced it with any other as near as I can see from my study of scripture. If anyone can find scripture to the contrary I would certainly appreciate having them pointed out to me.

Sincerely submitted.

Dave Jamer                                                                                   23/08/11

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