We have all read much along the lines of how to become a follower of Jesus, but this simple 3 step formula came to me the other day.
1/ Admit to God and to yourself that you are a sinner.---According to God's word we all were born into this "fallen world" as sinners, so why try to ignore this fact? (Rom 3:10-12) It seems many people hate to admit that they are sinners, they have a concept that to be classed as a sinner, you have to be some wicked person who has done some horrible things like robbing a bank or killing someone. The truth is we were born a sinner, and because we are sinners we just naturally commit sins. It may be something as simple as telling a little Lie, or being proud, or envying a friend. Why try to hide it, or pretend it didn't happen? Just admit it!
2/ Confess your sin to God and ask Him for forgiveness.--- He is compassionate and full of mercy, and is quick to offer forgiveness for any confessed sin. (1 John 1:9). The DNA of God as based on His declaration of Himself as recorded by Moses in (Ex 34:5-7) includes 1/ compassion, 2/ grace, 3/ slow to anger, 4/ mercy, 5/ truth, 6/ faithful, 7/ forgiving. Who in their right mind would refuse to want to have a relationship with a God like that?
3/ Accept His offer---Although we are sinners and enemies of God, He loves us so much that He made a way for us to come to Him. It involved Him allowing His very own Son Jesus Christ to become one of us humans by the miracle of the "incarnation", where his Holy Spirit came upon a Jewish virgin maiden named Mary, and she bore Jesus, who was completely "sinless", and paid the price of our sins by His death on the cross. The wages of sin is death, (Rom 6:23), so someone had to die to satisfy the requirements of a just and Holy God. This required the death of a human being without sin, and Jesus was the only one who qualified. Whenever anyone confesses their sin and receives Jesus Christ by faith as their Savior, they are "born again" and Father God "adopts" them into His Forever Family. Then they become a new creation in Christ (2 Cor 5:17) and are referred to as a "saint"! Paul often wrote his letters to "the saints at" whatever city church he was writing to. It is just that simple according to the "good news" of the "Gospel of the Kingdom"!!
Sincerely submitted.
Dave Jamer 24/01/12
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