The Apostle Paul often used this expression in his description of himself, for example read the opening sentences of his letter to the church at Rome. Slaves were common to the Roman culture of that day, but their slavery was forced. A bondservant was also a slave to his master, but someone who could have been set free from his forced slavery, but chose to remain as a slave to his master by his own free choice. This is the context in which Paul uses the term. I encourage you to read the first 7 verses carefully and see how well Paul defends the roots of the gospel from the OT by declaring the lineage of Jesus, presents the power of this gospel to change lives, and then challenges his readers to become involved in spreading this gospel of "The Good News" of Jesus Christ! (Rom 1:1-7)
This is the key to living a victorious spiritual life of following Jesus, we must be bound securely to Him "by love's strong cords", to borrow the word from an old hymn. This means much more than just praying a so-called "sinner's prayer", and claiming to be a Christian. I have met many such people in my day, who think they are followers of Jesus, but don't have a clue as to what is involved on their part! A true follower of Jesus must be able to declare like Paul did in (Gal 2:20), which can only come after obeying his instructions given in (Rom 6:1-11). I believe many people are trying to live a "Christian" life in their own strength, which is impossible. We must die to our own desires and what we believe are our own "rights", and realize that if we are to become "bondservants" to Jesus, we no longer have any of our own rights. As a slave to righteousness, the only right we have is the right to obey the commands of God which are clearly laid out in His Word! That's where a relationship with the Holy Spirit is absolutely necessary, as Jesus promised His disciples in the Gospel of John, in chapters 14, 15, and 16. These same promises given to these first followers of Jesus are still available to us today who want to be true followers of Jesus. But the conditions laid out by Paul and the other original apostles are also still valid for today, and must be followed by hearing, and obeying the still small voice of the Spirit!
Sincerely submitted.
Dave Jamer 25/04/12
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