The very first example we see is when He was tempted by Satan in the wilderness soon after He was baptized by John in the river Jordon. Both Matthew and Luke record this event in chapter four of their gospel accounts. The accounts are nearly identical, so you can take your pick. Satan started each temptation with "If you are the Son of God?" which is a question to cause doubt. But Jesus answered each statement with the same answer "It is written", and then quoted a suitable scripture from the OT. Actually all that Jesus had as His "Bible" was the OT scrolls that He often quoted from. Another case would be later in the same chapter of Luke (Luke 4:14-30), where we see Him being rejected in His own home town where He had been brought up.
Probably the best example of Jesus using the OT Scriptures would be (Luke 24:13-34) where He came upon the two men walking on the road to Emmaus. It was the same day that Jesus had arisen from the tomb He had spent the last three days in. They were discussing the events of the last few days in Jerusalem, and were very sad. Jesus joined them on their walk and asked questions, as if He didn't know what had happened. This opened the door for Him to remind them of what they should have known from their OT Scriptures. Jesus reminded them of the words of Moses and all the prophets, and then we read in verse 27 "Then Jesus took them through the writings of Moses and all the prophets, explaining from all the Scriptures the things concerning Himself". Can you imagine what a Bible study that must have been? Some people avoid reading the OT Scriptures, because they think they are obsolete like the old covenant that was replaced by the New Covenant. But this is a misunderstanding of the Bible. The truth is that our Bible contains both the OT and the NT Scriptures, and we need both. Someone has said concerning the two "The New Testament is concealed in the Old Testament, while the Old Testament is revealed in the New Testament". In other words they are both the Word of God and we need both. It is true that some OT passages are hard to understand, but the same Spirit who inspired the authors of both (2 Tim 3:16) is available to anyone who has been "born again" by accepting Jesus by faith, and what He has accomplished for us on the cross, and receive Him as Lord and Savior. At that moment Father "adopts" you into His Eternal Family and gives you the gift of His Holy Spirit, as a seal of the transaction!!
Sincerely submitted
Dave Jamer 22/08/14
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