DECEPTION (part 1)
The more I study the scriptures, the more it becomes clear to me that the church has been deceived in so many areas. I have mentioned in previous articles some of these areas of deception, and would like to draw your attention to another. We must keep in mind that we are involved in a “cosmic war” between God and Satan that has been going on for thousands of years. We enter this conflict the moment we are “born again” into the family of God and become an heir, and joint-heir with Christ of all things. Satan is now our enemy too, and deception is one of his many tools that he uses to try to keep the church from being what God intended it to be!
From the very beginning God’s intention was to have a family of beings like himself that he could have fellowship with. He has always lived in “community” with the Son and Holy Spirit, in what we call “The Trinity”, but it seems he wanted to enlarge his family. We read in Genesis how he created Adam in His image and likeness, and then brought forth Eve from Adam’s side, to start the first human family on this planet. God’s desire was always to come and dwell with man on planet earth. We see this in Genesis where we read how He came down to fellowship with Adam in Eden. Then when we read the last few chapters of Revelation we see The heavenly Jerusalem coming down from heaven to apparently hover over the earthly Jerusalem as a home for the redeemed throughout eternity!
This whole idea that heaven is located somewhere “over yonder” as a geographical location that we will all go to when we die, is all part of an enormous deception, as I am beginning to see it. This has been designed by our enemy to get our attention off the earth as our inheritance. (Matt 5:5) Instead of God transporting us to heaven to be with Him, His plan is to transport heaven down to planet earth so He can abide with us here for eternity. I know that sounds like “heresy” of the highest order, but before you tune me out, let me show you a few scriptures. In (Rev 5:10) we read that He has made us “kings and priests to our God; and we shall reign on the earth”. We have already pointed out (Matt 5:5) where Jesus said the meek shall “inherit the earth”. Check out the many other references to earth as being our inheritance, and I’m sure you will see what I mean. If we could just learn to read scripture for what it is, the very word of our Creator God, and ask the Holy Spirit to interpret it for us and not depend on some man’s opinion, we would begin to see how much we have been deceived! We will continue this in part 2, and it may become a series!
Sincerely submitted.
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