5/ "Spiritual Unity" is another thing that Satan hates, and has done everything he can do to prevent true unity in the Body of Christ over the years. Even in the OT he was always active trying to get God's people to worship the idols and the many false Gods that the nations around them worshiped! Satan has never changed his tactics much since that time. The "True Church", which is the Body of Christ in the world today, is continually being tempted to worship the idols of the world system that they have been delivered from. The Greek name for church is "Ecclesia", which means "called out ones". In other words when we are born again into the family of God, we are called out from the ungodly world around us, and become part of the one True Church, that Jesus has been in the process of building for some 2000 years. Satan has always hated the true church, as we mentioned back in part 1, and has tried in various ways to form a counterfeit false church.
We have written several articles on unity, and there is a true unity of the Spirit of God, which is identified in scripture by the Greek word "koinonia". This word is used in (Acts 2:42) and is translated "fellowship". This true unity is only possible between people who have been born into the family of God, and thus became part of the true church. Satan has a counterfeit "Ecumenical Movement" which he has been promoting for years now among members of the "false church". This movement would like to see all Christian denominations join together with other world Religions, to form one big "World Wide Church". After all, they say, we all believe in one god, and all roads lead to heaven, why should we not be united? This type of "unity" will never achieve koinonia, or God's type of unity in the Spirit, simply because it is prompted by Satan. People who have never been born of the Spirit can be easily convinced that surely this is a good thing. Scripture teaches that we can not be part of two separate kingdoms, Satan's kingdom of darkness, and God's Kingdom of Light! (Col 1:11-14). So let's be clear that we will have nothing to do with this false church, or this false system of "unity" that Satan is trying to set up as a counterfeit for God's true unity of the Holy Spirit! Remember, Satan hates God, he hates God's people, and he hates true "koinonia", or unity of the Spirit!
Sincerely submitted
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