THE END TIMES (part 3)
One of the main things people are interested in, in regards to the study of end times, is the "mark of the beast" (Rev 13:16-17). Let's take a closer look at this controversial scripture. " He required everyone--small and great, rich and poor, free and slave--to be given a mark on the right hand or on the forehead. And no one could buy or sell anything without that mark, which was either the name of the beast or the number representing his name". There has been a lot of speculation about what this mark could be, but with the present advances in technology, we can easily understand how this could now be done by simply planting a small chip under the skin on the back of our hand or on our forehead. They use this type of identification now on animals, so it's no stretch to imagine it being possible for humans. The main selling point will be a single number that will be exclusively yours, replacing all other forms of credit cards or government SIN numbers etc. This will probably be introduced in such a way that it will make good sense in the natural to have one. Many people with little or no understanding of scripture, will accept it because without it they will not be able to buy groceries. For those of us who depend on some form of government check each month, the transition could be very simple. All the government department involved would have to do is issue a declaration that next month every one receiving a government check will have to pick it up in person, and show the proper identification, which will be the "mark".
When we read (Rev 14:9-11) we see clearly the fate of all those who receive this mark. They will be the recipients of the "wrath of God", and spend eternity in the lake of fire, with the devil and his angels. After listing these consequences of taking the mark, John goes on in verse 12 to state "This means that God's holy people must endure persecution patiently, obeying His commands and maintaining their faith in Jesus". I would plead with all the readers of this article to pay close attention to this warning from God's Word! Some of us from this older generation may well be passed from the scene before these events start to unfold, but believe me they will come to pass exactly as scripture describes them! My sincere prayer is that not one of you reading these words will see them as merely the rantings of an old grey haired senior citizen, but will check them out for yourself, and take the appropriate action. Your eternal destiny depends on the choices you make now before you are faced with this future reality!!
Sincerely submitted