Wednesday, May 23, 2007

THE END TIMES (part 3)

One of the main things people are interested in, in regards to the study of end times, is the "mark of the beast" (Rev 13:16-17). Let's take a closer look at this controversial scripture. " He required everyone--small and great, rich and poor, free and slave--to be given a mark on the right hand or on the forehead. And no one could buy or sell anything without that mark, which was either the name of the beast or the number representing his name". There has been a lot of speculation about what this mark could be, but with the present advances in technology, we can easily understand how this could now be done by simply planting a small chip under the skin on the back of our hand or on our forehead. They use this type of identification now on animals, so it's no stretch to imagine it being possible for humans. The main selling point will be a single number that will be exclusively yours, replacing all other forms of credit cards or government SIN numbers etc. This will probably be introduced in such a way that it will make good sense in the natural to have one. Many people with little or no understanding of scripture, will accept it because without it they will not be able to buy groceries. For those of us who depend on some form of government check each month, the transition could be very simple. All the government department involved would have to do is issue a declaration that next month every one receiving a government check will have to pick it up in person, and show the proper identification, which will be the "mark".

When we read (Rev 14:9-11) we see clearly the fate of all those who receive this mark. They will be the recipients of the "wrath of God", and spend eternity in the lake of fire, with the devil and his angels. After listing these consequences of taking the mark, John goes on in verse 12 to state "This means that God's holy people must endure persecution patiently, obeying His commands and maintaining their faith in Jesus". I would plead with all the readers of this article to pay close attention to this warning from God's Word! Some of us from this older generation may well be passed from the scene before these events start to unfold, but believe me they will come to pass exactly as scripture describes them! My sincere prayer is that not one of you reading these words will see them as merely the rantings of an old grey haired senior citizen, but will check them out for yourself, and take the appropriate action. Your eternal destiny depends on the choices you make now before you are faced with this future reality!!

Sincerely submitted


Monday, May 21, 2007

THE END TIMES (part 2)

We will start with the questions the disciples asked Jesus as recorded in the Gospel of Matthew (Matt 24:3) "Tell us, when will all this happen? What sign will signal your return and the end of the world?" Jesus had just remarked to them about the coming destruction of the temple, which we know from history happened soon after that time in 70AD. It was really one question with two parts, and Jesus took the rest of the chapter to give His answer. He started off in verse 4 by telling them "Don't let anyone mislead you", and then outlined some of the terrible things that would happen. Then in verse 8 He tells them "But all this is only the first of the birth pains, with more to come". It's important to note the time words like "then", or "after" as used in verses 9, 10, 11, 14, 16, 21, 23, 29, and 30. These words help to establish the sequence of when certain actions take place, such as the coming of the Lord for His "elect" in verses 30, and 31 "immediately after the tribulation of those days", as recorded in verse 29! This would indicate clearly that the Church, which are part of God's elect, will be here for the duration of the "great tribulation".This verse alone proves that the theory that many believe about a "Pretribulation Rapture" is not correct.

There will be a "rapture" of God's people that will take place sometime in the second half of Daniel's 70th week, that starts with the Antichrist breaking the peace pact with Israel, that he signed at the start of this 7 year period. The first half, or 3 1/2 years, is covered by verses 4-8, then verses 9-22 describe the time of "hard labor", as opposed to the beginning of labor pains mentioned in verse 8. This time of great tribulation will come to an end when God shortens the time, as recorded in verse 22 "In fact unless that time of calamity is shortened, not a single person will survive. But it will be shortened for the sake of God's chosen ones".

This time of persecution, or tribulation, by the Antichrist will be used by God to cleanse and purify the church. At present we realize that the church contains many members who have never been "born again", and are not really part of God's chosen ones. These people will fall away when the persecution starts from the Antichrist after the mid-point of the 7 year period. Most of these people will take the mark of the Antichrist, in order to buy and sell (Rev 13:16-17), and forfeit any chance of spending eternity with Jesus.

Sincerely submitted


Friday, May 18, 2007

THE END TIMES (part 1)

A brief outline of end time events that many of you younger generation will undoubtedly see played out before your eyes, so be on the alert!!

To begin with read and pray to understand, (Dan 9:24-27, and chapter 12), (Matt 24:1-39), (both 1 and 2 Thess). You will find that they all describe a common outline of a sequence of events as they will unfold. Try to lay aside any teaching you have received in the past on this subject, and let the Holy Spirit "guide you into all truth" (John 16:13)

The 70th week of Daniel (Dan 9:24-27) is a period of 7 years that begin with the signing of a "peace treaty" between Israel and the man who pretends to be their expected "Messiah", but is really the man Paul describes in (2 Thess 2:1-4) as "the man of lawlessness". At the mid-point of this 7 year period he breaks this covenant and reveals himself as the "Antichrist", and begins by persecuting anyone who refuses to take the mark he demands all to receive, in order to buy or sell. (Rev 13:16-17). This begins a period often referred to as "the great tribulation", when Satan pours out his "wrath" through his man of sin, the Antichrist. Please note this is not the "Wrath of God" which will be poured out on the ungodly followers of the Antichrist, after the "elect" are delivered from the persecution of Antichrist by the "Prewrath Rapture" at the time of Christ's return to earth in the clouds of glory with His army of angels.

After the rapture cuts short the tribulation of the Antichrist (Matt 24:22), and (Rev 7:9) the true "Wrath of God" begins, often referred to as "the Day of the Lord" by OT writers. During this time the trumpet judgements listed in chapter 8 of Rev are poured out on the ungodly who still refuse to repent. After the 7 year period comes to a close, a 30 day "reclamation period" begins in which God deals with the Jewish remnant who are preserved through the tribulation. This period ends with the battle of "Armageddon" at which time the Antichrist and his false prophet are cast into the "lake of fire". Then the additional period of 45 days, which we might call the "restoration period" begins. (Dan 12:11-12). This period ends with the beginning of Christ's "Millennium" reign of 1000 years of peace on planet earth. Remember this part 1 is just a very brief overview of what is ahead that we will face.

Sincerely submitted.


Wednesday, May 16, 2007


I came across this expression while reading the familiar passage in (Luke 11:1-13) recently from the NLT. The KJV uses the word "importunity" in verse 8 to describe the man who kept asking his neighbor for bread to feed his unexpected company. The NKJ uses "persistence" which I could understand a little better, but "shameless persistence" really grabbed my attention! This passage covers the answer to the disciples question on how to pray, and also about asking, seeking, and knocking, and about the Father giving the Holy Spirit to those who ask. A very important concept of prayer that we often do not follow.

Our usual approach to prayer is to make our request once, or maybe twice, and then go on to new requests that are constantly coming to our attention. This concept of "shameless persistence" is definitely not practiced by many Christians that I know. Perhaps this is why so few of our prayers are answered. Some people of faith think it is showing a lack of faith to ask more than once for anything. These words of Jesus would seem to contradict that theory, and encourage us to keep on asking, seeking and knocking over a period of time. Perhaps this is how God determines just how serious we are about our requests. I see nothing in scripture to make me think that God will not answer our requests offered in the right way. This depends on our motive for asking, to be sure it is within His will, and of course the timing is often not according to our understanding, but definitely His. Because of His foreknowledge, He often withholds the answer until He knows we are ready to act in the appropriate manner. Often He needs to complete some work in us before He can give us what we think we are ready for!

There are many reasons for God to withhold immediate answers to prayer, but this should not discourage us from continuing to pray. Often we realize much later, why an immediate answer to our prayer would not have been best for us at the time. We must believe that if our relationship with our heavenly Father is as intimate as it should be, we are not likely to be asking for things that are not according to His perfect will. It might be good to study all the passages we can find on prayer in the Bible, and see how much we still have to learn! There are also many good books around on prayer, that are well worth the reading, in my opinion.

Sincerely submitted

Dave Jamer

Monday, May 14, 2007

This is a document we received years ago, written by Don Basham who was part of a community of ministers centered in Fort Lauderdale Florida back in the 70's. I have never been part of such a community, but believe it would be a good experience and would bring glory to God our Creator! I trust it might prove to be a challenge to each of us as we read it and consider what Don is saying.


A community of God's redeemed people bound together in covenant love, submitted to compassionate authority and rulership, and manifesting peace, holiness and family fidelity expressed through revered fatherhood, cherished woman and motherhood with secure and obedient children.

A community where loving correction and instruction produces healthy growth and maturity, where dedication to excellence produces the finest results in arts, crafts, trades and commerce providing prosperity and abundance for all its members.

A community of faith, worship, praise and a selfless ministry manifesting individually and corporately the gifts and fruit of the Holy Spirit.

A community where all life is inspired and directed by the Spirit of Jesus Christ and is lived to His glory as a witness and testimony to the world.

Don Basham

Sincerely submitted.

Dave Jamer

Friday, May 11, 2007


While reading (Matt 16:13-20) recently I realized that Jesus asked His disciples "two key questions" that we all need to consider well. As you know Peter answered correctly and was commended by Jesus with "you are blessed, Simon son of John, because My Father in heaven has revealed this to you. You did not learn this from any human being". We can be sure that Jesus was not asking these questions because He didn't know the answers!

Since He had the Holy Spirit "without measure", He knew everything there is to know. These questions were to make a point, and to establish truth in the minds of the disciples!

The first question "who do people say that the Son of Man is?" is still being asked by people today, and there are any number of replies, such as "a good teacher" or "a prophet" or "a religious man" etc. People who have not yet received Him as Savior have no real correct answer to this question, because there can only be one correct answer, and that only comes from knowing Him personally.

That is why Jesus asked the second question "but who do you say that I am?" This is the question that prompted Peter's correct reply, and is the key question that every person on planet earth should consider. Jesus made it clear in (John 14:6) when He said "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through Me". This is the only correct answer to this "key question", and our eternal destination depends on our answer to it. Notice Jesus directed this second question to the disciples personally, and today I believe He is directing it to people personally as well, through various means.

So let me ask you directly, have you considered these questions ? And have you given Jesus the only correct answer? If so I will see you some day in heaven!!

Sincerely submitted.


Wednesday, May 9, 2007


This word appears many times in scripture, for example in (1 Cor 6:9) we see idolaters, who are those who practice idolatry, listed in with fornicators, adulterers, and homosexuals. From this and other scriptures we see clearly that these people will not inherit the Kingdom of God. Then in (1 Cor 10:14) Paul tells us to "flee idolatry", and a little later in this same chapter he ties idolatry in with demons. When we think of idolatry we think of followers of some false religion worshipping some idol that they have made. This is the most common use of the word no doubt, but I suggest to you that it can have a much wider application. In verse 22 Paul speaks of God being a "jealous" God, not wanting His children to worship any other thing. It seems that idolatrous activity amounts to a confrontation with Almighty God.

We know from reading the NT that Jesus Christ was the incarnation of God on planet earth for some 33 years. Not only did He show us what God the Father was like, but he said in (John 14:6) that He was the only way to the Father. Since God is a jealous God, and will have no other gods before Him, we need to consider well what we allow to come before Jesus in our lives. I don't know anyone who makes little idols out of wood or stone, and bows down before them like the heathen of Bible times, but I have seen people allow other things to crowd out Jesus from their lives!

Things that are not evil in themselves can become idols in this sense of the word. For some people it is their job, or family, or house, or just plain "things". Materialism, or the love of possessions, have some people bound so that Jesus must take second place. This can easily happen to Spirit filled Christians, as well as anyone else. Even some special diet or supplements to our diet can become an idol. I have seen well meaning people say that if a person with some ailment would just take a certain supplement, or go on a certain diet, they would be healed. There is no question that a good well balanced diet can help to keep us healthy, but Jesus is the Healer, and should be looked to first before anything else when we need healing!

So when we are considering this word "idolatry" today in the 21st century, be careful what we include as idols. It might surprise us what the Lord will reveal to us that He considers an idol from His perspective.

Sincerely submitted-----Gramp

Monday, May 7, 2007


We have a small beech tree near our driveway that makes itself seen in winter, because it keeps a fair number of its leaves from last summer, throughout the winter months. They just refuse to drop off, in spite of the snow and winter winds. I believe this beech tree has something to teach us.

Most all deciduous trees drop their leaves in early fall, usually after the first real frosty night. This is due partly to the fact that they have served their useful role of providing energy to the tree from the sun all summer, and partly because the action of the frost breaking the bond between the leaf and the twig it has been attached to. The question is, why doesn’t this happen to every leaf on this beech tree? Why do some leaves hang on until spring?

I really don’t know the answers to these questions, but I do know what causes them to drop off eventually. When the days lengthen and the rays of the sun get warmer, the sap starts to flow up from the roots of that tree, and a miracle happens. New life starts to show as buds develop on these little twigs and new life forces these stubborn old leaves to drop off to make room for the new ones!

A very similar thing happens in our lives as Christians. Sometimes stubborn old habits just refuse to fall off, like those leaves on that beech tree. Paul speaks to this in (Gal 5:16-26), where he makes it clear that if we “walk in the Spirit, we will not fulfill the lusts of the flesh”. In other words, the flow of new life in the Spirit, will force these old habits to drop off! Just like the flow of sap up from the roots of that beech tree causes those leaves from last year to finally fall off!!

I trust this little illustration will help some of you get rid of some stubborn old habits from your former life that you picked up before you came to know Jesus. I expect to see that little beech tree in a short time, lose those stubborn old leaves, and be covered with new growth! And I expect to see the same thing happen in your lives!!----Sincerely in Him----Gramp

Friday, May 4, 2007


We will finish off this series on this topic by quoting from an article written back in the 70's by an old friend of ours who used to stay with us when he would visit the churches in Saint John. His name was Walter Day, and he was the representative for Martyrs For Christ Mission. He wrote an article on the Restoration of the Tabernacle of David, from which I got the idea for this series, and I would like to finish by quoting directly from Walter.

"So we can summarise the purposes of the restoration in our day of the Tabernacle of David foretold by Amos and partly fulfilled by the early church, as claimed by James.

1/ To restore worship in Spirit and in truth; spontaneous, joyful, sincere, uninhibited: "man's chief end is to glorify God, and to enjoy Him forever."

2/ To prepare a people to preach the gospel of the Kingdom to the uttermost parts of the earth; supernaturally, miraculously, with signs and wonders, "the works that I do ye will do also,and greater works than these shall you do." They will be protected from the dangers of the tribulation, and miraculously provided for whenever necessary. Psalm 91will have its greatest fulfillment in the believers of that day.

3/ To cast down Satan and his angels from heaven, by prayer in the Spirit, by realising and employing their authority in Christ, through the word of their testimony.

4/ To demonstrate to principalities and powers in the heavenly places "the manifold wisdom of God" Eph 3:10. (note that it should read "through" the church, not "by", it makes all the difference).

Seeing that the promise of the restoration of the Tabernacle of David is being fulfilled today, we should search our hearts to see where we stand. Are you among those who worship God in the Spirit and in truth around the restored Tabernacle of David? Or are you still bound by formalism and tradition? Are you prepared for persecution and calamity, yet convinced that in God there is deliverance through faith? Are you living in the secret place of the Most High? Do you belong to Zion or Babylon? To the Spotless Bride or the Great Harlot? It is appropriate to end this theme of the restoration of the Tabernacle of David with a remarkable quote from Psalm 102:16 "When the Lord shall build up Zion, He shall appear in His Glory"

May God bless the memory of Walter to our hearts for this great article, that he wrote several years before going to be eternally with his Lord!

Sincerely submitted.


Wednesday, May 2, 2007


In part 1 we saw that king David had introduced a completely new way to worship God, in his kingdom. He brought back the Ark of the covenant, which represented the "Presence of God", and instead of placing it in the empty Holy Place in the Tabernacle of Moses, he erected a simple tent to house the Ark. We saw that in (Acts 15:13-18) James quoted an OT scripture from Amos about God restoring this Tabernacle of David, in reference to the Church that was just starting to be formed. We know from reading church history, and the book of Acts, that the early believers met in homes and in rooms attached to the temple of the day. This temple was destroyed by the Romans in 70 AD, and never rebuilt. After the church became part of the Roman Empire under Constantine, he erected large cathedrals for the church to worship in, and put in place a religious system based on the OT temple worship, plus some traditions borrowed from the Pagans of the day. This system of church structure and traditions has remained more or less the same ever since that time. The Reformation under Luther changed certain doctrines, but never changed the main system of temples and priests!

In the past few years there has been a move toward a simpler form of church structure based on "House Church Networks". This method of doing church is centered in homes, with more participation by the people. This is an attempt to get back closer to the way the church functioned, as recorded in the book of Acts. A typical house church meeting would closely resemble the type of meeting outlined by Paul in (1 Cor 14:26). This type of meeting is not possible in the normal church setting, where the layout of pulpit and pews does not lend itself to this type of participation.

Some churches have introduced "cell groups", where people meet in small groups during the week, and still come together in the church building on Sundays. This has helped to improve the participation of the members, but still comes short of the house church "Koinonia" that can only be experienced in a small group that are truly functioning as described by Paul in his letter to the church in Ephesus. Here the "Ark", which is the presence of God, can be fully displayed in all it's Glory through the individual members. This koinonia brings the presence of God like it was in the "Tabernacle of David" long ago!

Sincerely submitted.
