Thursday, November 17, 2016

As Whitw As Snow



Those of us who live in Eastern Canada have seen lots of snow this past winter, it came in early December and stayed until late April. So yes, we know it is white, but it reminds me of a verse of scripture by the OT prophet Isaiah, (Is 1:18) in the NLT version it reads "Come now, let's settle this, says the Lord. Though your sins are like scarlet, I will make them as white as snow". That is a wonderful promise from God through one of His greatest OT prophets. And we know from reading the NT scriptures that this promise was fulfilled by the crucifixion of His only begotten Son Jesus some 2000 years ago. John the Baptist identified Him as "the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world" (John 1:29), and his earthly parents were told by an angel to call Him Jesus for He will save His people from their sins. You can see the details in (Matt 1:18-25) as well as other places.


Because Jesus was "virgin born" so as to escape the inherited sin from Adam therefore He was "sinless", and the only one who qualified to cancel out the sin debt charged against all of humanity because of Adam's initial sin. The Apostle Paul made it clear in his letter to the church in Rome that all have sinned (Rom 3:9-31), and then in (Rom 6:23) he declares that "For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord". This whole matter of how this problem of sin in our world is explained in scripture is called "the gospel (good news) of the Kingdom". And I like the way Paul explains it in (Eph 2:1-10), in these 10 verses he does a remarkable job of explaining God's plan of salvation.


If you are not yet a follower of Jesus, I would suggest that you read this passage carefully from one of the newer versions of the Bible like the NLT that I have been using lately. This gives as clear a description as possible of the condition we all find ourselves in at the present time in our world, in the first 3 verses. Then in verse 4 he states "But God is so rich in mercy, and He loves us so much", that is an absolutely true statement that no one can deny. You can make a decision today to became a follower of Jesus by simply making a "choice" to believe by faith, that what Jesus did for us on the cross was for you. And even if you were the only person alive today, He would have done it just for you, because He loves you that much! Then you can know for sure that your soul in now "as white as snow". We can know this because God declares it in "His Word" the Bible, and God cannot lie!!

Sincerely submitted.

Dave Jamer                                                                                  

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Real Riches



Jesus had a lot to say about "riches" while here on our planet for some 33 years. Most people think of "money" when they talk about riches, and the more they can accumulate, the richer they think they are. Actually true riches consist of much more than having an abundance of money. We often hear people misquote (1 Tim 6:10), and say that money is the root of all evil. This is not quoting scripture accurately; this verse actually says "the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. And some people, craving money, have wandered from the true faith and pierced themselves with many sorrows". NLT. In (Matt 6:24) from the NKJV we read "No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon." Here we hear Jesus speaking, and He uses the word "mammon", which was a common Aramaic word for riches. Since Jesus used it this way, as a word to point out a complete opposite attitude towards God than we should have in regards to riches, we should pay special attention!


We have seen many examples of people having an unhealthy love of money in the late financial crisis. Certain CEO's of large corporations have taken huge bonuses from their firms, and then declared bankruptcy for the company, with shareholders losing millions of dollars! This is nothing but pure "greed", which is based on a love of money or mammon, which according to Jesus is not real riches. Real riches are being reserved in heaven for us, and Peter refers to them our "priceless inheritance" (1 Peter 1:4). I believe this to be our part in the "Kingdom of God" that Jesus spoke so much about. We are "born again" when we put our trust in Jesus as Savior, and are adopted by the Father into God's family, and are sealed by the Holy Spirit. (Eph 4:30). Then according to (Col 1:13) we are "transferred" into the Kingdom, which is not the same as being "born" into His family. Our new birth is clearly a gift, and can never be taken from us. It is pure grace, we didn't earn it, and we can't lose it. But our inheritance, on the other hand, is being kept for us in heaven, and our receiving it is dependent on our behavior! (1 Cor 6:9). A clear understanding of this will end the controversy about whether we can, or cannot lose our eternal salvation! No, I don't think we can lose our place in God's family, but we might lose part, or all of our position in His Kingdom depending on how obedient we are to His Word!!

Sincerely submitted.

Dave Jamer                                                                       

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

New Life Replaces Old



We have a small beech tree near our driveway that makes it seen in winter, because it keeps a fair number of its leaves from last summer, throughout the winter months. They just refuse to drop off, in spite of the snow and winter winds. I believe this beech tree has something to teach us.

Most all deciduous trees drop their leaves in early fall, usually after the first real frosty night. This is due partly to the fact that they have served their useful role of providing energy to the tree from the sun all summer, and partly because the action of the frost breaking the bond between the leaf and the twig it has been attached to. The question is, why doesn't this happen to every leaf on this beech tree? Why do some leaves hang on until spring?


I really don't know the answers to these questions, but I do know what causes them to drop off eventually. When the days lengthen and the rays of the sun get warmer, the sap starts to flow up from the roots of that tree, and a miracle happens. New life starts to show as buds develop on these little twigs and the new life forces these stubborn old leaves to drop off to make room for the new ones! A very similar thing happens in our lives as followers of Jesus. Sometimes stubborn old habits just refuse to fall off, like those leaves on that beech tree. Paul speaks to this in (Gal 5:16-26), where he makes it clear that if we "walk in the Spirit, we will not fulfill the lusts of the flesh". In other words, the flow of new life in the Spirit, will force these old habits to drop off! Just like the flow of sap up from the roots of that beech tree causes those leaves from last year to finally fall off!!


I trust this little illustration will help some of you get rid of some stubborn old habits from your former life that you picked up before you came to know Jesus. I expect to see that little beech tree in a short time, lose those stubborn old leaves, and be covered with new growth! And I expect to see the same thing happen in your lives, as you determine to follow Jesus closely and start obeying all of His commands recorded in scripture. As we nourish this new life "in Christ", by feeding on His word, and applying the truth to our lives, I guarantee you will gradually see these old habits formed in your old life drop off, just like the last years old leaves on our little beech tree!

Sincerely submitted.

Dave Jamer                                                                                  23/09/11




Monday, November 7, 2016

Identifcational Repentance


This term was made popular a few years ago by Peter Wagner, and simply means that we can "identify" with the sins of others, especially those of our ancestors, and repent of that sin. This act will not change their standing with God, but can affect the circumstances that have been a result of their sin! Probably the best examples in scripture of this type of prayers of repentance for the sins of their for-fathers would be (Dan 9:3-19), and (Neh 9:1-38). In both of these passages we see where they identified with the past sins that had been committed by their ancestors. This act on their part apparently satisfied God that they were serious about these sins, and He moved to change their immediate circumstances. We may not be aware that the sins of others can affect our walk with the Lord, but it is a fact!


Satan is identified as the first sinner, when he tried to introduce a "second will" in heaven as recorded in (Isaiah 14:12-14). Up until that time there was never a thought of anything but God's perfect will in heaven. We read that Satan made 5 declarations of his will, which included "I will be like the Most High". God could not allow this rebellion, nor have a "second will", that opposed His will to exist in His Kingdom, so we know the result was the expulsion of Lucifer and the angels under his control from the presence of Almighty God! Satan apparently set up his own kingdom in opposition to the "Kingdom of God", and started a "cosmic war" that continues to this day. These two kingdoms exist side by side in our present world, so that we can have a choice as to which kingdom we want to be part of. Paul explains the effect of the existence of these two kingdoms in his letters. For example (Eph 2:1-10), and (Col 1:9-18), and makes it clear that we can be saved from Satan's kingdom, and transferred into the Kingdom of God! The choice is always up to us. God never forces us to do things against our human will. If He did we would be nothing more than a robot that He could program to only do His will. That fact that He created us with a free will allows us to make choices. Sometimes we make "right choices", and other times we make "wrong choices"! God knew we would not always make right choices so He made provision for us to be forgiven for our wrong choices. Read (1 John 1:5-10) for God's formula for dealing with sin in our lives. God is Holy, and cannot look on sin except through "the blood" of His Son. This blood must be applied to our lives to be effective, and this can only be done by confessing our sin and turning away from it "completely"!!If you haven't done that yet, I would encourage you to do it today!

Sincerely submitted.

Dave Jamer

Friday, November 4, 2016

A Thousand Years as a Day



We find this expression in (Ps 90:4) "For a thousand years in your sight are like yesterday when it is past. And like a watch in the night". Then in (2 Peter 3:8) we read "But beloved, do not forget this one thing, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day". We can only assume that Peter was probably referring to Psalm 90 verse 4 when he made this statement. A few years ago one day I was trying to understand the difference between time and eternity. I took a new piece of white paper and drew a circle in the middle of it, and called that circle our "Time and Space World" and the rest of the sheet of paper I called Eternity. As I understand scripture our "Creator God", who has always existed as Father, Son, Holy Spirit, or in other words a "Triune" being we refer to as "The Trinity". From His position in eternity whenever He views our world He sees things that took place thousands of years ago, as well as those things that only happened today. For that matter because of His "Foreknowledge", He knows what will happen in the future! This little diagram helped me to understand certain scriptural passages, like (Rev 20:1-10) where John tells of a vision he saw in which the Devil was bound for 1000 years, and afterward released for a little season. As soon as he is released he goes out to deceive the nations to cause a mighty army to come together to attack God's people and the holy city of Jerusalem. But God sent "fire from heaven" and consumed them all, after which the Devil who deceived them, plus the Beast and the False Prophet were thrown into the "fiery lake of burning sulfur" (hell) for ever and ever. This event is often confused with the thousand year reign of the Lord called the Millennium which happens after the end of the 7 year period that is known as Daniel's seventieth week". This period in (Rev 20:1-10) leads up to the "Battle of Armageddon" which comes near the end of the 7 year period prophesied by Daniel in (Dan 9:24-27).


That is why Revelation cannot be read like Acts, where every chapter fits together one after the other, and this is why we need the help of the Holy Spirit to make sense of this wonderful book that God uses to close out His Divine Book we call the Bible. But is the "summary" so to speak, of everything out Creator wanted us to know. So when we read the Bible we should always ask the Holy Spirit to tell what He told the authors, and why He chose the words He told them to use. (2 Tim 3:16)!!

Sincerely submitted.

Dave Jamer                                                                                                          

A Spring Tune-up



Spring is on the way, although you may not know it by looking outside at the huge banks of snow, on this mid-February day. People often think of getting their car tuned up at this time of year, to be sure of trouble free miles of travel throughout the summer months. But do we ever realize that we might need a "spiritual tune-up", after the cold winter months of waiting to see if spring will actually come? I suggest a careful study of (Matt 5, 6, 7) where we read about the first fully recorded sermon of Jesus. It is often referred to as "The Sermon on the Mount", and starts with the "Beatitudes". As the term implies, Jesus was dealing with "attitudes", and how they can affect our lives. Jesus lists 9 attitudes in (Matt 5:3-11) that can affect out lives, and that will all please our Father God!


Notice that 2 of the 9 things listed will result in a different relationship to the Kingdom of God, than the other 7! Verses 3 and 10 use the present tense of the verb referring to their relationship with the Kingdom, "is theirs" as opposed to "will be theirs", this could be quite significant in understanding the Kingdom of God. In other words, some people referred to believe that the Kingdom exists now on earth, while others understand it to be yet future. This is the actual case in the church circles today. Because of a teaching that declares the church age must end, before the Kingdom age can begin, this situation has arisen.


Scripture is clear that Jesus Christ in the King of the Kingdom of God, so when He came to earth as the babe in the manger, the Kingdom came with Him, so to speak. When He began preaching about the Kingdom after He was baptized by John, when He was 30 years old, He often used expressions like "the Kingdom is at hand", or "the Kingdom is within you". We can understand this as meaning at the present time it is invisible, and can dwell in the hearts of believers who follow Jesus, but will be fully manifested on earth for all to see, when Jesus makes His second appearance in the clouds of glory! This is part of the mystery of Godliness that we cannot understand with our finite minds, but when we see Him we shall be like Him, and then understand all things. (1 John 3:1-3). As followers of Jesus, we should all be looking forward with great expectation to His second coming. But we know from certain scriptures like (Ps 110: 1), (Acts 3:16-22), (Matt 24:14), that He can't come at any moment, as some believe!

Sincerely submitted.

Dave Jamer                                                                                     

Thursday, November 3, 2016

New Life Replaces Old



We have a small beech tree near our driveway that makes it seen in winter, because it keeps a fair number of its leaves from last summer, throughout the winter months. They just refuse to drop off, in spite of the snow and winter winds. I believe this beech tree has something to teach us. Most all deciduous trees drop their leaves in early fall, usually after the first real frosty night. This is due partly to the fact that they have served their useful role of providing energy to the tree from the sun all summer, and partly because the action of the frost breaking the bond between the leaf and the twig it has been attached to. The question is, why doesn't this happen to every leaf on this beech tree? Why do some leaves hang on until spring?


I really don't know the answers to these questions, but I do know what causes them to drop off eventually. When the days lengthen and the rays of the sun get warmer, the sap starts to flow up from the roots of that tree, and a miracle happens. New life starts to show as buds develop on these little twigs and the new life forces these stubborn old leaves to drop off to make room for the new ones! A very similar thing happens in our lives as followers of Jesus. Sometimes stubborn old habits just refuse to fall off, like those leaves on that beech tree. Paul speaks to this in (Gal 5:16-26), where he makes it clear that if we "walk in the Spirit, we will not fulfill the lusts of the flesh". In other words, the flow of new life in the Spirit, will force these old habits to drop off! Just like the flow of sap up from the roots of that beech tree causes those leaves from last year to finally fall off!!


I trust this little illustration will help some of you get rid of some stubborn old habits from your former life that you picked up before you came to know Jesus. I expect to see that little beech tree in a short time, lose those stubborn old leaves, and be covered with new growth! And I expect to see the same thing happen in your lives, as you determine to follow Jesus closely and start obeying all of His commands recorded in scripture. As we nourish this new life "in Christ", by feeding on His word, and applying the truth to our lives, I guarantee you will gradually see these old habits formed in your old life drop off, just like the last years old leaves on our little beech tree!

Sincerely submitted.

Dave Jamer