Tuesday, October 30, 2012




This term became popular early in the 20th century among the Evangelical Denominational churches. Since I started to use a "face value" method of understanding scripture in 2001, this is one of the first of many church doctrines that I believed and taught to others, that became clear to me as a "false teaching". As near as I can understand, it was an offspring of an unholy "marriage" between two equally false teachings that had previously come into the "church". One was the so-called belief in a "Secret Rapture" that had its start in a vision or a trance that a young 15 year girl had in 1832 in a charismatic group in Scotland, where she apparently saw Jesus come back secretly in the clouds to rapture those who were ready to meet him in the air. It became known as the secret rapture, and was promoted and make popular by the "Plymouth Brethren" in England under the leadership of a Bible teacher by the name of John Darby. Then Dr C I Schofield published the first edition of his Bible in 1907, which introduced the theory that all of history could be divided into seven "dispensations", starting with 1/ Innocence, 2/ Conscience or Moral Responsibility, 3/ Human Government, 4/ Promise, 5/ Law, 6/ Church, 7/ Kingdom. Of course since we know that God only has two clearly defined divisions in His Word, the Old and the New covenants, or we use the word Testaments meaning the same thing. Jesus makes this distinction clear in (Matt 11:11) where He places John the Baptist as the man whose ministry divides between the OT and the NT!


 So when the secret rapture was combined with a theory that teaches each dispensation must close before the next one can start, plus the fear of still being here on earth when the "Antichrist" makes his appearance, we see how this false teaching really told people just what they wanted to hear! So the introduction of this Pre-tribulation Rapture theory in the early 1900's became very popular, and easy to believe in. Certain well known Bible teachers and the authors of the "Left Behind" series of novels and tapes have presented this doctrine as if it is based on scripture, and many sincere believers have been deceived. They need to heed the advice given in (Acts 17:11) to be like the believers in Berea. Thank God for the introduction of the "Prewrath Rapture" teaching in the late 1980's by a man named Robert Van Kampen, which sets the rapture solidly into scripture!!

Sincerely submitted.

Dave Jamer                                                                                                              01/02/12   


Monday, October 15, 2012




One of the key points in the teaching that Jesus will rapture His Church before the last 7 year period, known as "Daniel's 70th week" (Dan 9:24-27), is that the Holy Spirit, who resides in believers, is the "Restrainer" mentioned by Paul in (2 Thess 2:7). This has been taken as a "proof text" to fit in with their theory of a "secret rapture". The Holy Spirit is defined by Jesus, as fulfilling different roles in the life of believers when He comes, but restrainer is not one of them! Check it out for yourself in chapters 14, 15, and 16 of the Gospel of John, where the words of Jesus are recorded. Depending on which translation you use, you will find words such as, Advocate, Comforter, Counselor, Helper, Intercessor, Strengthener,----but not Restrainer. This role for Him has been added to scripture by those who are trying to prove that the Church will not go through the time of "great tribulation" at the hands of the Antichrist, during the last half of this 7 year period. Various scriptures clearly teach this, including the words of Jesus, Paul, and John, and yet these people invent a theory that attempts to prove their false teaching!


There is only one person mentioned in scripture, that I am aware of, who could fill this role of restraining evil until the time set by God to let the Antichrist start his persecution of Israel and the Church. That person is the archangel "Michael", who has been given the specific task of protecting God's people, as mentioned many times in scripture. The most important reference, relating to the subject at hand, would have to be (Dan 12:1), where he is confirmed as the one who protects the nation of Israel. At the middle of this 7 year period, we are told he will "arise", and then the Antichrist will begin his reign of terror against the people of God (Rev 13:5-10). The word here translated arise, or stand up, in most English translations could be translated as "stand still", since it is the same root word that is used to describe the miracle of the sun and the moon stopping, or standing still, so that Joshua and his warriors could complete the battle against their enemy. (Josh 10:13) By letting scripture explain scripture, we can often prevent being led into error by those who are trying to prove some theory. Let's keep in mind that God must allow His Church to be purified, and changed from their present condition, before they are ready to be raptured! This purification can only come about through a time of persecution, such as much of the Church are already experiencing in other parts of the world! Why should God exempt the church in our Western world, and keep us from this time of persecution, that He has planned to make us ready to be raptured? That doesn't make any sense to me!

Sincerely submitted.

Dave Jamer                                                                                revised 27/09/12


Monday, October 8, 2012




"And I know, yes I know, Jesus' blood can make the vilest sinner clean". These words are part of an old hymn that we don't hear sung much anymore. Our modern "worship" songs written in the last few years, hardly ever mention the cross or the blood of Jesus that was shed there. In fact the blood of Jesus and what it accomplished for lost sinners is not mentioned much in most churches today. Most church goers only hear things that make them "feel good" and not necessarily what they need to hear. Actually many people fail to realize that they are sinners who need a Savor, because they are not familiar with the Bible. If they only casually read (Rom 3:9-26) they would know beyond any shadow of doubt that we are all born into this world as little lost sinners. But thankfully Paul addresses this problem and gives the answer in (Eph 2:1-10), a scripture that is easily understood by anyone. Most people who are not alcoholics, addicted to tobacco or drugs etc, don't see themselves as "sinners". They probably go to church and pay tithes and consider themselves as "religious", but unless they are actually "born again" and have been adopted by Father into His Forever Family, and have received the Holy Spirit they are not part of the "Family of God".


Most people who have never been involved in some serious crime or have been breaking some moral issue like "adultery" really don't consider themselves as sinners, because "everybody does it", as if that makes it OK. The fact of the matter is that our Creator God has a book called the "Bible" that contains all the rules and regulations that He expects us to obey in order to live lives that will please Him. Until we realize this our life can never be completely fulfilled. Because God always has a unique plan for each life, we need to "press on" to find "that thing" which He had in mind for you when you were born. (Phil 3:12) Some people go through their entire life still looking for this "destiny" which seems to continually escape them. They need to accept Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior, and then depend on the Holy Spirit to daily lead them. This is part of God's plan for every human being on earth, and the sooner we find out about it, the sooner we can start to enjoy life as He planned it. Our world is under the control of the devil who Jesus tells us is a "liar and the father of lies" and there is "no truth in him". (John 8:44). But as a contrast to this, Jesus said "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me" (John 14:6). The choice is ours to make, who will we believe and follow?

Sincerely submitted.

Dave Jamer                                                                                       03/10/12

Monday, October 1, 2012




I just read an article by this title written by a faithful brother from another ministry. It is patterned after a Nike slogan "Life is short, Play hard" and of course the words of Jesus to His followers "Follow Me, and I will make you become fishers of men". (Mark 1:17). As followers of Jesus today, this should be our slogan too, don't you think? No one knows how much time we have left to accomplish what God has planned for us to do toward extending His Kingdom here on earth. But we can understand from the words of Paul in (Phil 3:10-16) that God had something in His mind for each of His children to do when He saved us. When we find "that" ministry that He had in mind for us to do, then this would be our "destiny" in life. I believe that many people have no ides what "that" is for their lives, and spend years in a job that they don't really like and are not at peace with the world. This peace must start with finding "peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ" (Rom 5:1) when we are "justified", or "just-as if-I'd" never sinned. We know from reading (Rom 3:9-26) that every living person has sinned and come short of the glory of God, and that the "wages of sin are death" (Rom 6:23) so everyone needs to come to the decision of believing in, and receiving Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior! 


That is the most important decision we will ever face in life, and that is "what will we do with Jesus"? Our eternal destination depends on the correct response to that question. According to God's Word there only two possible eternal destinations and the choice must be made while we are still alive. A choice to receive Jesus as Savior guarantees you a place in "heaven" when you die, with Jesus and Father God plus all the other righteous people who have gone before you. On the other hand a decision to not receive Jesus as Savior will guarantee you a place in "hell" with the devil and his fallen angels plus all the unrighteous sinners who has gone on before you! And remember God always leaves the choice up to us, since He has created us with a free will. When we consider the facts, and the truth of God's Word, our decision would certainly appear to be a "no brainer", but why do people falter between making a choice? The answer has to be because we have an enemy who hates us and wants to keep us from making the right decision. His name is Satan or the Devil, who Jesus calls "a liar and the father of lies" (John 8:44) and he has many false prophets and teachers who only have one goal which is to bring people under "deception" and miss heaven!!

Sincerely submitted.

Dave Jamer                                                                            18/09/12