In part 1, we compared the church to the St John River with its many various tributaries, that each adds their particular blend of water to the main stream. Every move of God through the years was meant to do the same thing to the church, however, because human nature being what it is, this didn’t always work out as God had planned. Some moves of God resulted in false doctrines being spawned by people who became fanatical about certain teaching, and carried it beyond the truth it was meant to restore. Then we had the problem of people who were involved in the last move, refusing to accept the new truth. Everyone likes to think that they are right in their particular beliefs, and therefore the person holding a different belief must be wrong. The truth is that they could both be wrong, or at least not have the whole truth on any given topic. The scripture says that now we all see through a glass darkly, or in other words, no one has all the truth on any subject. In (Deut 29:29) we read that, “the secret things belong to the Lord our God, but those things that are revealed belong to us and our children forever”. Only God knows everything, and unless He chooses to reveal His secrets to us, they remain hidden from us.
We need to learn from each other in the body of Christ, keeping in mind that we only know in part, and our brother in the Lord may know something that has been revealed to him, but not to us. This requires that we remain humble and teachable. Many church splits and divisions could have been prevented, if people would have practiced this simple truth! Pride is a very subtle thing, and often shows itself in these areas. Paul has many wise things for us to pay heed to in his various letters to the churches he had started. For example (Eph 3:1-5), (Phil 2:1-5), and
(Col 1:15-23).
If we want to be part of “The Present Day Truth Church” in these last days in which we are living, it’s imperative that we learn all we can about church history. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal truth to you, so you won’t make the same mistakes that some others in the past have made. Then read some good books that give a balanced report of what God has restored in previous moves through the years. One that I have found very helpful is “The Eternal Church” by Bill Hamon, written back in 1981. He traces the history of the church from Pentecost through the dark ages, and gives an honest balanced report on the various restoration moves of God from Martin Luther’s time up to the time he wrote this book in 1981. It’s an easy book to read, and I believe gives an accurate picture of God’s intention for the church that Jesus said He would build! Blessings on you, as you find your place in this church in our day.
Sincerely submitted.