In scripture the people of God are often referred to as sheep. You may, or may not know, that sheep are known as followers, not only of their shepherd, but of one another too. I recently read a story of a complete flock of sheep that followed each other one by one over a cliff to their doom! It seems incredible but true that this could happen, but such is the danger of blindly following the flock, or crowd without checking out carefully where they are headed! We see something like that happening in the recent so-called "healing revival" in Lakeland Florida, led by Todd Bentley. Thousands of charismatic Christians are following this man, who has some questionable doctrines and unscriptural beliefs, simply it would seem, because of their hunger for a move of God. The fact that they have seen miracles and other signs and wonders are no guarantee that this is a "real" move of God! Read the words of Jesus as recorded in (Matt 24:24-25), for a warning about such things happening.
Becoming a follower of Jesus today, in this age of deception that we are called to live in, is the only safe place to abide. And the closer we follow Him the better! Thank God He has given us His written Word, the Holy Scriptures, to guide us and warn us of the possible danger of being deceived. The warning from Paul in (2 Thess 2:9-10) is about a future appearance of "the man of lawlessness", otherwise known as the "Antichrist", who will deceive many people who do not believe in, and love the truth. Notice that he too will be able to do many "counterfeit signs and wonders" to deceive many believers. Remember Jesus declared "I am the way, the truth, and the life" (John 14:6). He is the "Living Word" of truth, who is being represented today by the person of the Holy Spirit, who indwells all true believers.He always lines up perfectly with the "Written Word", so we have at our disposal a means of checking out any supernatural event, to make sure it is real, and not counterfeit.
Based on what I have seen on video clips of Todd's ministry, and read from his teaching about angels and visits to the third heaven, and communicating with the dead, etc. I would have to consider him a "questionable", if not a false prophet. I realize that many sincere christian friends have been down to Lakeland, and I haven't, and their opinion on the ministry there is quite different from mine, but until I see more fruit from the ministry of Todd Bentley, and the evidence of changes in his life and hear him repent of the unscriptural beliefs he has been teaching, my opinion stands. Check it out for yourself!
Sincerely submitted