I woke up one day last week with this word in my mind, I wasn't even sure how to spell it, but looked it up on Google and found it was a fancy word for "false" or we might say a "counterfeit". So when it is added to any word as a prefix it simply means it is a "fake imitation" of that thing. Because we are all created in the image and likeness of our Creator, we all are born with a built in desire to worship someone or some thing. Since our spiritual enemy, Satan the "Great Deceiver" takes advantage of this desire and gives us a mixed variety of false spiritual experiences to choose from. That is why the "church" has been plagued with so many so-called "New Age" religious experiences to lead us astray from worshipping our Creator God through Jesus Christ His Son. Jesus and many NT writers all warned us over and over to expect "many" false prophets and teachers to appear in the "churches" in the last days before Jesus comes back to earth for His second coming in "clouds of glory". I believe we are now in the beginning of these "Last Days" that has been predicted. But no one except Father God knows the time when this event will take place, but there have been many false attempts to tell us the date. This seems to be a popular lie to try to deceive people.
That is why it is critically important to have a good understanding of OT prophecies, as well as a knowledge of NT prophecies that pertain to the second coming of Jesus. It seems that this topic has been the most often one to be "counterfeited". I suppose that is because everyone wants to be sure they go to heaven to be with Jesus, and the sooner the better. For sure no one wants to suffer under the reign of the coming Antichrist, so that is why the "Pre-Tribulation Rapture" theory has been so popular. Because they have taught that the church will be caught up to be with Jesus before this Antichrist shows up on the scene. But a simple reading of (Rev 13:1-10) will prove this theory to be false. So many of this type of "pseudo-spiritual" teaching can by avoided by a careful and prayerful comparison to scripture. The reason for counterfeit $100.00 bills is because there are "real ones", the same thing goes for counterfeit expensive watches or any other valuable item. So it should be no surprise to us that our enemy, Satan the "Great Deceiver" would use so many different "counterfeit" spiritual experiences to trap believers in Jesus. So again I would encourage you to check out all Scripture passages that mention "false" (pseudo) prophets or teachers.There are quite a few, so be like the Bereans in (Acts 17:11)!!
Sincerely submitted.
Dave Jamer 30/12/12