I recently put together an article that I called "THE NEAR PERFECT CHURCH", in contrast to what I have seen as a "false church" that we see around us today. I refer to it as being false because it in no way represents what Jesus had in mind when He used the word [ecclesia] in (Matt 16:18) to describe the Church He would build. Derek Prince has written a book that was published in 2006 called "Rediscovering God's Church", in which he explains in detail just what this Greek word really means. I would suggest you obtain a copy and read it if you are interested in knowing what I am now referring to by this word "Biblical Church". I suppose a more accurate definition of what I have been referring as a false church, would be to use "unbiblical church" instead. I never thought of this term until it was pointed out to me by a brother in the Lord. Because some people, who have been involved in what I have been calling the false church, may think I am "anti-church", which is far from the truth! I love the "Biblical Church" that Jesus has been in the process of building, but have no use for a so-called "church" that ordains homosexuals, endorses so-called "same-sex marriages", and allows or promotes any type of behavior that the scripture forbids! So in the future I will change the words I use to define what type of "church" I am referring to. I will no longer use true and false, but will try to always use either "Biblical Church" or "unbiblical church" so anyone who reads an article I put together will have no question about what I am referring to!
I confess to promoting some rather radical ideas as to how we should "do church", as we say, because I believe there is only "one way", and that is the way we see clearly from the scriptures. Since I started to understand scripture at "face value" a few years ago, as opposed to believing doctrines I have been taught by the various churches I have attended, scripture has taken on a completely different "value" to me. I now understand that much church doctrine has been established by well meaning men, who promoted certain teachings that were not really based wholly on scripture, but partly on their own theories, but were accepted as truth and gradually became "doctrines". I may be wrong, but that is the only way that makes sense to me! If anyone cares to discuss this with me I am open for correction or suggestions.
Sincerely submitted.
Dave Jamer 17/11/11