We know that Daniel was a man God trusted to reveal many of His secrets to, a man that was "very precious to God", as Gabriel told him when he appeared from heaven while Daniel was still praying to God and confessing the sins of his Jewish people. This is possibly one of the most important passages of scripture in the entire Bible. It reveals 6 important things that God will settle with His chosen people Israel, after removing His Church from the scene by the "rapture", see (1 Thess 4:15-18) for details. Verse 27 is often referred to as "Daniel's Seventieth Week", and as I've come to understand, it represents the very last 7 year period of life as we have known it on Planet Earth. The first "ruler" mentioned in verse 26 would of course be the Roman Empire who destroyed Jerusalem and their temple in 70AD, and the second "ruler" mentioned would have to be the Antichrist who pretends to be a "man of peace" who signs a treaty with Israel for a period of 7 years, only to break it at the "Mid-point" of this 7 year period, and reveal himself as the Antichrist or the "beast" of (Rev 13:1-10). Paul refers to him as "the man of lawlessness" in (2 Thess 2:1-6). His revelation of not being a man of peace, at the mid-point of this 7 year period but instead the "beast" will be the start of the "Great Tribulation"
Jesus describes this period of time in (Matt 24: 21-22) "For there will be a Greater anguish than at any time since the world began. And it will never be so great again. In fact, unless that time of calamity is shortened, not a single person will survive. But it will be shortened for the sake of God's chosen ones". The truth is that the Church will certainly be here at the beginning of this great tribulation, for without a Church to receive the wrath of Satan through his beast, there could be no tribulation, plain and simple! This tribulation time will last until God cuts it short with the return of Christ for His "Church/Bride". (Matt 24:22) This will be the rapture, not pre-tribulation, but Certainly before the wrath of God is poured out on the wicked unbelievers who are left behind? To me this should end any possibility of a Pre-Tribulation Rapture in anyone's mind.
Sincerely submitted.
Dave Jamer 14/12/15