By core values we mean Biblical values that form our belief system.
1/ God's written word, the Holy Bible, is infallible as written in the original languages used by the many authors involved. All our core values are based on scripture and must line up with the proper interpretation of this "Word".
2/ Jesus is the "Living Word" sent by the Father to show us Himself, and demonstrate how to interpret the Words that He spoke. Jesus came to call out from the world a group of people He referred to as the "Church". This word comes from the Greek [ecclesia] meaning "called out ones". This Church was to be His body on earth to carry out His will and instructions given from His present location in heaven at His Father's side.
3/ A proper understanding of the Kingdom of God is absolutely essential for this Church that Jesus is in the process of building from regenerated humans.
This Church must have a proper understanding of the "church in a locality", and also of the "Church Universal" which is the world wide expression of the
4/ every local expression of this Church must be based on the following list of Biblical qualifications 1/ salvation by grace alone. 2/ believer's baptism by immersion. 3/ the baptism with the Holy Spirit. 4/ the priesthood of all believers where everyone has access to Christ as head of His Church. 5/ servant leadership who have been set in place by the Lord as per (Eph 4:11-16, and 2 Cor 1:24). 6/ freedom of worship based on definite scriptural activities, such as singing in the Spirit, dancing in the Spirit, allowing the gifts of the Spirit to operate etc. 7/ have a definite form of discipleship training to raise up future leaders. 8/ have small home groups available to all believers to help develop proper relationships and encourage the use of the gifts of the Spirit. 9/ a priority should be given to outreach and missions, both local and worldwide. This should include teaching on returning the tithe to the Lord, and giving generous offerings as directed by Him.
Sincerely submitted.
Dave Jamer