This is an interesting little word, that we might call a "time word". That is, it regulates the sequence in which various things happen. When we say something can't happen "until" something else happens, we are using the word properly. This word occurs many times in scripture for just that reason, to let us know the sequence of when certain events will happen. One of these times is in (Ps 110:1) where we read "The Lord said to my Lord, sit in the place of honor at my right hand, until I humble your enemies, making them a footstool under your feet." We know from other scriptures that this is God the Father speaking to His Son Jesus, when He returned to His Father's side after completing the work of redemption of mankind on planet earth. In other words Jesus is presently seated at the right hand of Father God in heaven, interceding on our behalf, and building His Church here on earth from His position up there. I understand this will continue to happen "until" this process is completed, and He returns to planet earth to receive His Bride, the Church, who at that time will be without spot or wrinkle. The enemies of God will also, at that time, be humbled and become a footstool for His feet. We can clearly see that neither of these two conditions are presently existing on planet earth! But according to God's Word, they will take place before the Father will give the Son permission to come and receive His Bride!
Another scripture that contains this word "until", is (Acts 3:21), here we read that Jesus "must remain in heaven until the time for the final restoration of all things, as God promised long ago through His holy prophets." Here again we see clearly that Jesus can not return at "any moment" as some people have been teaching for many years. The truth is He will not return "until" certain events transpire here on planet earth! Matt chapter 24 contains the answer by Jesus to questions from some of His disciples regarding the time of His return, and what were the signs they could expect to precede this event. Paul answered some of the same questions in (2 Thess 2:1-12), Read this and compare the words of Paul to those of Jesus in Matt 24, and you will see that they line up perfectly. The truth is the Church will be here on planet earth "until" Jesus comes to fulfill (Matt 24:22) "In fact unless that time of calamity is shortened, not a single person will survive. But it will be shortened for the sake of God's chosen ones." This shortening of tribulation is accomplished by the destruction of Antichrist by Jesus, as recorded in (Rev 19:20). Check it out for yourself! Sincerely submitted ---Dave Jamer
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