In the light of the changes we see happening in the church world wide, which include a movement toward "house churches", similar to the churches we read about in the book of Acts; we need to prepare ourselves for the change. If our comparison of king Saul's reign to the presently structured church, and David's reign to the church structure we see in the book of acts is accurate, then we need to pay close attention to David's attitude towards Saul's regime!
First notice that David respected the anointing that God had put on Saul, even though he was trying to do away with him. We need to recognize and honor those precious anointed church leaders who are doing what they can, in the best way they know how, to further the Kingdom of God. Those of us who believe God has a better plan for His Church than we have seen, need to show the love and compassion of Christ toward our brothers and sisters who are still in the present church structure. Change comes slowly, and has to be prompted by divine revelation. Just think back to changes that have taken place in your own life, and how patiently the Lord worked with you until you received further revelation of what He was trying to show you!
Here is a quote from Brother Warnock that caught my attention "Herein is revealed the fundamental weakness of the present church system. It operates much the same way as in the world. The leaders are dependent upon people for their support, voted in and out by the people, and answerable to the people for whatever they want to do. And because they are subject to the pressure of the people in so many cases it seems they must compromise in order to keep the people contented." In my 40+ years in the church, this pretty much sums up what I have observed as a church member, deacon, elder and pastor. My heart tells me there must be a better way! And as I have reread the NT, especially the book of Acts, I believe I see that better way. We must get back to the original structure of self supporting elders and deacons ruling the local churches, being overseen by traveling elders and deacons sent out from a local church. Chapter 13 of Acts is a good example of how a local church should operate, in my opinion. It was the first church established by Gentile believers. You can read about how this church was planted in (Acts 11:19-26). The present house church movement may not be the total answer, but it certainly comes much closer to the original plan of Jesus for how His church should be governed than any other form that we have seen operating in my lifetime!
Sincerely in Him.
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