In part 1 we looked briefly at the real reason for Jesus' first coming to our planet to redeem from fallen humanity a "Bride", suitable to rule and reign with Him throughout eternity. This is a far greater purpose than the average Christian understands, because we have been taught to believe that Jesus will return at "any moment" to airlift us out of this sin cursed earth, to spend eternity with Him in glory, somewhere over yonder. The present condition of the church, especially in North America, is much too immature to qualify for the exalted position of the "Bride of Christ"! This teaching of an imminent rapture has done little to prepare people for the coming persecution, that will help bring us to maturity. The Bible has a lot to say about us believers coming to a place of maturity in Christ. (Heb 6:1-3), and (2 Peter 1:3-11). If we expect to be an"over comer" (Rev chapters 2 and 3), we need to spend much time in His Word!
The Church has always been part of God's eternal plans for His creation, Paul Billheimer, in his book "Destined for the Throne", makes this statement "The human race was created in the image and likeness of God for one purpose; to provide an eternal companion for the Son". This helps to put the Church in the proper perspective. Is it any wonder why Satan has tried so hard to destroy it from it's beginning? The Bible was written to the Church, for the purpose of edification, and should be read and studied carefully if we are to become mature Christians. Jesus said He would build His Church (Matt 16:18), for the purpose of having a "Body" to represent Him on planet earth, while He is in heaven with His Father. The physical body that Jesus received in the womb of the virgin Mary, He still has, although since His resurrection, it is now a supernatural "Resurrection Body" suitable for the life He now enjoys. The Church is called the "Body of Christ", but never the body of Jesus! Jesus still has, and will always have, His own Body, which is presently in heaven, but one day He will come back to our planet to be re-united with His "Bride/Church"! This is the one and only true Church that Jesus is building. I like a definition for this Church that comes from a book called "Christian Theology" written by Emery Bancroft "The Church is composed of all true Christian believers taken out of all nations, tribes, and tongues, and united with their living head, Jesus Christ, during the age from Pentecost to the rapture". This is sometimes referred to as the "Universal Church", to distinguish it from the many local churches in different locations!
Sincerely submitted
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