Monday, July 21, 2008


1/ The house (cell level)

2/ The one pastor church (the traditional congregation)

3/ The citywide or regional dimension of church (city celebrations)

4/ The trans-regional networks of churches (denominations)

All the above are valid scriptural forms of "church life", and one form is not necessarily better than another. They are all meant to serve the body of Christ here on earth, as we relate to the Head, Jesus Christ, who is in heaven. Some people are called to place more emphasis on one form than another, depending on their God given talents. The important thing to remember is that there is only "one body" of Christ on planet earth! This is the "Church" that Jesus has been in the process of building now for some 2000 years. Most of us have had some limited experience with levels 1, 2 and 4 on the above listing, but how about number 3? If we agree that it is a valid form of church structure, why don't we see it in our cities and communities? I'm sure there may be functioning examples of this manifestation of church in some areas, but I have not seen any in my journey of over 40 years as a Christian. I have often wondered why, and have always been a firm believer in church unity over the years. I have always been part of a local church since being born into God's family in the mid 60's. I have served as deacon, board member, elder, and pastor, all in the Saint John area. I have seen many leaders come and go, churches thrive for a time and then either split or decline for some other reason.

I have often thought that a citywide, or regional Church Eldership. might have helped prevent some of the things that I have seen over the years that have wounded the body of Christ in some way. I realize that this would not be a simple thing like "electing" a group of leaders to fill this role. The ones that would be well known and popular enough to be chosen, would most likely not be the right ones for the position! This would have to be a "Kingdom appointment", and not a democratically decided thing, in my opinion. And therein lies the problem! How do we go about something like this, that we have no experience in doing? Part of the answer to this question I'm sure is to pray about it and expect the Holy Spirit to give some definite directions!

Does anyone have some other suggestions as to how this level of church structure might start to operate in our area? I would be interested in hearing from you.

Sincerely submitted.

Dave Jamer

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