Monday, June 1, 2009



Adam #1, was the first member of our human race, who was formed of the dust of the ground, and had life breathed into him by his Creator. Since he was created in the image and likeness of God, (Gen 1:26-28) he was therefore perfect, or complete. Of course this state of perfection soon ended when Adam disobeyed the one restriction God placed on him in the garden of Eden. When he and Eve ate of the fruit from the forbidden tree of the knowledge of good and evil, they allowed sin to enter the human race! The apostle Paul does a good job of outlining the contrast between the effects of this first sin to be introduced into the human race, and the cure offered by the "last Adam", or Adam#2, Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God! (1 Cor 15:45)

Reading in (Rom 5:12-21), we see several contrasts listed between these two individuals. Verse 12 states "When Adam sinned, sin entered the world. Adam's sin brought death, so death spread to everyone, for everyone sinned." Then in verse 15 we read "But there is a great difference between Adam's sin and God's gracious gift. For the sin of this one man, Adam, brought death to many. But even greater is God's wonderful grace and His gift of forgiveness to many through this other man , Jesus Christ." The remaining verses down through 21 repeat this same truth in different ways, so that we can't miss it!

This is the central truth to the good news of the Gospel of the Kingdom of God, that Jesus Christ came into the world to "reverse the curse" brought on us by Adam's sin.

(2 Cor 5:17-21). When scriptures like these are so clear, one has to wonder how so many professing Christians have missed this truth! I believe the reason must be that most churches do not preach the real Gospel of the Kingdom, which demands repentance from dead works. (Heb 5:11- 6:3). Our churches are full of people who are either still spiritual babies who have never grown up, or else who have never really accepted Jesus as their own personal Savior, and have been "born again" of the Spirit! (John 3:3). Certain church traditions allow people to become members of their denominational churches without them ever having a "spiritual birth". We have to be born into the family of God, and then we become part of the Church that Jesus is in the process of building! (Matt 16:18) We don't "join" a church, we "are" the Church, if we have accepted Jesus as Savior! There is no other way according to the words of Jesus as recorded by John. (John 14:6) Let's pray that many people who attend church services on a regular basis will have a genuine revelation of Jesus, and what His death on the cross really accomplished. Jesus completely reversed the curse of sin brought to earth by Adam #1!

Sincerely submitted.

Dave Jamer

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