Saturday, September 12, 2009

Life is a marathon



This journey of life as a follower of Jesus is a marathon, and was never meant to be a series of short "dashes", like 100,or 500 meters! Runners in a marathon must prepare themselves in a different way than those who just plan to compete in the 100 meter dash. I have never competed in a marathon, but have talked to people who have, and understand from them the discipline in training that is required. As we read the writings of Paul, we can see how often he refers to preparing for the spiritual race we are all called to run as followers of Jesus, as a marathon. For example look at (Phil 3:12-16), where we read "I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God , through Christ Jesus,is calling us." This is marathon language, and I like how he expresses himself in verse 16 "But we must hold on to the progress we have already made." I think this is the key to completing our race of life, as we look back over where we have come from, let's strive to hold on to the progress we have made, and not give up!


In my nearly 50 years of being involved in this spiritual race, I have seen some fellow runners who have not run well. Many have been like "sprinters", who take off from the starting blocks like a rocket, but their lack of disciplined training soon shows up, and they crash and burn! Others keep running for years but never seem to really progress in their spiritual maturity, but remain as "baby believers" all their life. They are like the people Paul was addressing in (1 Cor 3:1-4), who never got beyond the milk stage in their walk. We see much the same thing in (Heb 5:11-14), where the writer is encouraging them toward maturity. Then in the next chapter he goes on to say in (Heb 6:1-3) "and so, God willing, we will move forward to further understanding." This seems to really be the problem with these people, they are afraid to leave their comfortable place in their spiritual journey, and check out new things. I realize there have many false teachings spring up over the years, and some quite "flaky" so-called "prophetic people" bringing forth words that don't measure up to scripture, but through it all God has been trying to lead His people on to maturity! He has given us His Holy Spirit to be our guide, let's follow Him closely!!

Sincerely submitted.

Dave Jamer

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