As most of you know I have changed my position regarding the rapture, from the popular "Pretrib" to the "Prewrath" position of the timing of the return of Christ to rapture His Church. This change has been a process for me, extending over several years. For most of my years as a follower of Jesus, the Pretrib was the only position I was familiar with. Then I realized that many of our brothers and sisters in Christ were already going through extreme persecution equal to that described in scripture as the "great tribulation". That started my search for the truth of what this rapture of the church was all about. I reasoned that we believers in the NA church were not going to escape persecution from the Antichrist by an "any moment" secret rapture, while much of the church is already going through their great tribulation. About that time, nearly 10 years ago, a friend gave me his book by Robert Van Kampen called "The Sign". In it I saw an interpretation of common end time scriptures with a completely new understanding.
First of all, I realized Jesus will remain in heaven with His Father "until" certain events take place. (Ps 110:1) That erased the teaching of an "any moment", or imminent rapture from the equation. Then I understood from (2 Thess 2:1-4) that Jesus will not return before the "man of lawlessness" reveals himself. That took care of the theory of a Pretrib rapture. Then I came to understand that the wrath of Satan through the Antichrist, and the Wrath of God are two separate events. Indeed, God will use the tribulation of the Antichrist to purify the church in preparation for the rapture of the true believers who refuse to accept his mark. The rapture will actually end the tribulation when Jesus returns in clouds of Glory! Read (Matt 24:21-22) without your Pretrib glasses on, and see how Jesus explains this. It is the time of great tribulation that He will shorten, not the 7 year period known as "Daniel's Seventieth Week"! This rapture will occur sometime after the mid point of the 7 year period when the Antichrist reveals himself.(Daniel 9:20-27) The remainder of the 7 year period will be used for God to pour out His Wrath on the unrighteous that are left behind. (Rev 15:5-16:27). Then the remnant of the Nation of Israel, who has been protected by God, will be dealt with as described by Daniel in chapter 12. Especially note the extra 30+45 days added to the 1260 days, which is the last half of the 7 year period. This time is especially for the remaining remnant of the Jewish nation, to prepare them for the millennium, during which they will be God's earthly flesh and blood people on earth. At this time the redeemed family of God who have been temporarily in their heavenly abode, will be transported down from heaven to earth as the "New Jerusalem" (Rev 21)
This is only a very brief overview of what I have come to understand the scriptures teach about the end times that we are now entering. This has only come about as I have asked the Lord to reveal to me what the writers of scripture meant to convey to us the reader, and ignore what I had been taught by some theories of man! Remember this is only my brief outline, arrived at by my study of scripture over the years, and is certainly open to further changes or correction by the Holy Spirit.
Sincerely submitted.
Dave Jamer
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