Monday, August 30, 2010



We read in (2 Cor 5:19) NLT "For God was in Christ reconciling the world unto Himself, no longer counting people's sins against them. He gave us this wonderful message of reconciliation". Our man-made theology has completely destroyed the truth of this passage of God's Word! Read it again carefully from any translation and the truth will be clear and plain! God the Father was there on the cross with Jesus when He died to pay the price for our redemption.. We have been told that God abandoned His Son at that moment, because He could not look on our sin that Jesus took upon Himself. We have been told that (Matt 27:45) proves this, but scripture never contradicts scripture, so both of these scriptures can't be true. I believe the passage from Matthew must refer to His feelings as a human being, because He was completely human, although completely Divine at the same time. He had already submitted His will to the Father in the Garden of Gethsemane. So this was only a human reaction, and He and the Father were still one at that time, as Paul clearly states!

This false concept that God cannot allow Himself to be associated with evil, appears in many of our church doctrines. One in particular that comes to mind has to do with a person being "demonized". This means a person who is a carrier of one or more demon spirits. The KJV translation uses the term "demon possession" in various places when it should use demonized. The meaning is that we can posses a demon, but the demon doesn't posses us. This has caused a lot of confusion in church circles over the years. Jesus spent a lot of His ministry time, as recorded in the gospels, casting demons out of people. And He gave His disciples authority and the assignment to do the same. (Matt 10:5-8). Certain church denominations have a doctrine that declares a born again believer cannot possibly posses a demon, because the Holy Spirit dwells within them, and an evil spirit and the Holy Spirit couldn't both inhabit a human body at the same time. If we believed this, then a sinner could never be saved, because they often have more than one demon that has been controlling their sinful behavior. When the Holy Spirit convicts them of sin, and the need to receive Jesus as Savior, we know that He becomes part of their life. (John 3:5-7), and (2 Cor 5:17). Jesus said that when we receive the Spirit, He will never leave us, but abide with us forever. This doctrine cannot possibly be true, and has robbed people of deliverance by the power of the Name of Jesus! This is only one of many church doctrines that are not based on God's Word, but merely on the words of man, in my opinion.
Sincerely submitted,
Dave  Jamer                  

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