Monday, September 20, 2010



This expression comes from (John 19:5), and was uttered by Pilate after he had Jesus severely beaten by the Roman soldiers, he then showed Him to the angry crowd, thinking they might now have pity on Him, and Pilate would be off the hook. As we know this did not work for him, and the rest is history (His-story)! Pilate had no idea who Jesus really was, as many church going people today. Jesus was, and still is, "The Man" that Father God brought into our world to show what God is really like. Jesus put a face on God, so to speak, see (Col 1:15-18).

Jesus came to earth not only to reveal God, but also to reverse the curse brought onto the entire creation by the disobedience of the first man Adam. I believe Adam was created in the image of God, and was meant to be the father of a "family of God", that would inhabit planet earth, and make it a "colony of heaven" on earth, so to speak. We know from reading God's Word that this original plan was subverted by Satan, who became the avowed enemy of God after rebelling because he was not content to be one of the Archangels in heaven, and desired to take over God' place as Supreme.
See (Is 14:12-15) and (Ezek 28:12-17) for the details of why and how Lucifer was cast out of heaven to become the devil, or Satan. Many people living on earth today never realize that this was the beginning of evil, and wickedness that we see increasing in our world around us. We are often quick to blame other causes for this wickedness, and fail to realize it is "sin" in the hearts of mankind, that can be traced back to Adam's disobedience, that is the real problem! (Rom 3:23)

God, who has perfect "foreknowledge", of course knew this would happen, and already had a plan formulated before anything was created. This plan involved Jesus coming to earth at the appointed time, to be incarnated into the human family, in order to pay the price required to redeem mankind from their sinful condition inherited from Adam. So when Pilate made the statement "behold the man", even though he was not aware of whom Jesus was he was never the less declaring the truth! Jesus Christ is definitely "The Man", the second Adam, the only way to the Father! (John 14:6). The angel Gabriel told Joseph to "call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins" (Matt 1:21). This is the "good news" of the gospel!!
Sincerely submitted.
Dave Jamer  

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