I understand that many cell-phones are now "smart phones", to which can be added all kinds of features. You can do almost everything on them that you can do on a computer! These various additions are called "apps", which is short for applications. Most of us may not have a smart phone with lots of apps added to it, but we have something far superior! Our Bible, which is the written Word of God, is readily available to all of us, and contains all the apps we will ever need to meet any situation! These apps are personally made available by our Creator God, through His Holy Spirit, using His Holy Word, to help us solve problems. We don't need the Internet.
Consider certain scriptures like the second chapter of Paul's letter to the church in Philippi for example. In verse 2 we see the "unity app", in verse 3 the "humility app", in verse 14 the "no-grumbling app", in verse 15 the "shine-as-lights app", and so on etc, etc. You get the point, I'm sure! Or take the fifth chapter of Ephesians as another example, the "imitate-God app" (5:1), the "walk-in-love app" (5:2), the "purity app" (5:3) and so on. The book of Proverbs is loaded with apps, as well as many other books in our Bible. So we have no excuse, and don't need to depend on any "smart phone" to live a full active life.
Modern technology has more or less taken over our lives in this 21st century world, and most of it is meant for our benefit. It all helps us do things faster, and easier, but is that necessarily better? It seems the most often used expressions these days refer to time. We never seem to have enough to accomplish what we want to do. Some of us older folks can remember when we seemed to get more done without all the modern technology that we have today. Have the use of "smart phones", and all the other gadgets available today really made our lives better? Or have they only added more stress, and taken time that could be spent searching for answers to our problems in our Bibles? I don't pretend to know the answer, but do have a lot of questions about how much time these modern technologies really save us? Probably the answer is a proper balance in how we make use of the 24 hours that we each have available to us, and how we set our priorities! We read in
(Ps 31:14-15) NKJV "But as for me, I trust in You, O Lord; I say you are my God. My times are in your hand". If this is true, and we know it is because it is His Word, then we have the answer, just trust Him to lead us!!
Sincerely submitted.
Dave Jamer
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