Tuesday, December 7, 2010



Most of us have heard and probably were involved in the recent fad of repeating WWJD (what would Jesus do), in any given situation. That is a good question for anyone to think of before making any major decision in their life. But recently I heard a take off on this expression, expressed by the letters WDJD (what did Jesus do). In my mind this expresses a much more important question that we should carefully consider. This takes in the complete matter of salvation, or our redemption from our sinful condition inherited from the first Adam. (Rom 5:12) If we read more in the letter of Romans, the apostle Paul gives a clear presentation of what the Bible often refers to as the "Gospel of the Kingdom". He starts with chapter 1:16 where we read "For I am not ashamed of the good news about Christ. It is the power of God at work, saving everyone who believes—the Jew first and also the Gentile" NLT. Then he goes on in chapters 1 and 2 to define the sins that God hates. In (Rom 3:10-18, and 23) he makes it clear that all of us have sinned, and absolutely no one is righteous before a holy God, and in (Rom 6:23) he clearly states that the wages (what we earn for our labor) is death!

Here is where the good news, which is the gospel of the Kingdom, comes into play. Only God Himself could provide the cure for the human dilemma that we all found ourselves in. Only the death of a perfectly sinless human being could satisfy the wrath of our holy God against the sin of mankind! This is what we celebrate on December 25th, the birth of Jesus Christ, the only "virgin born man" who ever lived on earth! He became "Immanuel" (God with us) see (Matt 1:18-23) for the message given to Joseph by the angel Gabriel. In spite of all the pagan practices that have been introduced into church traditions over the years, this day is meant to be a sacred day to give thanks to Almighty God for this incredible gift of a Savior!

Our New Testament portion of the Bible, which is God's written word, gives us the complete history of the birth, ministry, death, and resurrection of Jesus. As well as the history of the early years of the Church that He is in the process of building for over 2000 years now. (Matt 16:18). As well as the record of His coming return to earth to receive the true Church, when the Father gives Him permission. This can only happen when this true Church makes herself ready, and God's time is right! So in the meantime this is a brief history of WDJD!!
Sincerely submitted.
Dave Jamer

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