Monday, January 17, 2011



This expression simply means a life that is centered on Jesus Christ! It is quite easily seen from even a casual reading of the Bible, that since the entrance of sin into the world by the disobedience of Adam in the Garden of Eden, this has created a major problem! This problem can be defined by the use of the word "egocentric", as pertaining to humans, in other words people have made themselves the center of their world! "Ego" is a word often used to refer to that quality of man that focuses on "self", as opposed to a concern for others. It is quite common in our 21st century society that caters to an emphasis on what is best for "me", rather than a concern for others. We can see this in many different areas of life, where the main emphasis seems to be on what makes me "look good", "feel good", and "be right".

As opposed to this lifestyle, God's Word clearly presents the possibility of a life that can be centered on Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who came to earth some 2000 years ago to be our Savior. The Old Testament portion of the Bible predicts His coming, and the New Testament declares the details of his birth, life, death, and resurrection. Our Creator God, who caused everything that exists in our universe to be made, including us humans, certainly had a carefully crafted plan for how to live our lives. He has revealed this plan through His written Word, the Bible. He choose certain people who He inspired by His Holy Spirit, to write exactly the words He wanted us to hear. He chose Hebrew as the language for the Old Testament, and Greek for the New. Our problem is that we are usually limited to translations from the original languages to our own, which leaves a slight possibility for some chance of the translators not making the best choice of words. But regardless of what language we speak, or what version of translation we use, we can be reasonably sure we are reading the direct Words of God in the Bible.

And even a casual reading of the Bible should convince any person that God wants us to live a "Christocentric" life, rather than an "Egocentric" one. This naturally starts with an understanding of how we make Jesus Christ part of our life by accepting Him as our Lord and Savior, and following this with making Him the center of our lives. This is not an easy road to travel to become spiritually mature, but like our natural life it begins by being "born again" by the Spirit of God. Then we have to start out as a spiritual baby, and progress toward maturity, but it is well worth the effort required to become mature, and with God's help you can do it!!
Sincerely submitted.
Dave Jamer

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