Monday, March 21, 2011



Everyone needs some place they consider safe, where they can be themselves, and not be threatened by circumstances, or the actions of other people! In (Ps 91:1) we read "He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty". Here the writer of this psalm clearly states that such a "safe place" is available to all who will take advantage of the offer. Our Creator God makes this place available for us who have come to Him through His Son, Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Jesus stated this truth very clearly in (John 14:6) "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man comes to the Father except through Me".
God has always wanted to dwell with man on planet earth. He created earth specifically so it could sustain life, and then created Adam in His image, and after His likeness. (Gen 1:26-28) He placed Adam, and his mate Eve, that He formed from Adam's side, into a garden with only one condition. That condition had to do with a command from God not to eat the fruit of one particular tree located in the center of the garden. There were two trees there in the garden, but only one that Adam was forbidden to eat the fruit of. This was called the tree of the "knowledge of good and evil". In other words, God wanted Adam to look only to Him for his knowledge of what was good, or what was evil. For a time Adam and Eve lived at peace in this garden, and God would visit them in the cool of the evening, and they would have sweet fellowship together. Then one day God's enemy, Satan, entered the garden and convinced Eve that they would be better off if they ate of this forbidden fruit, and become like God. By choosing to listen to Satan, and disobey God, they lost their innocence, and complete dependence on their Creator. This choice on their part introduced sin into the human race, which caused a separation from God and the result was expulsion from the garden.(Rom 5:12)
After many attempts on God's part to dwell with His created beings on earth, He finally sent His only begotten Son Jesus to our planet as the "Second Adam", to redeem mankind, so He could once again dwell with man in peace on earth, so man could have a "safe place" to dwell in. We know from reading our NT that this "secret place of the Most High" is none other than the "body of Christ", the Church that Jesus is in the process of building from His present throne next to the Father in heaven. One day soon, when His church is complete, He will come again to put an end to all traces of evil, and set up His Kingdom here for eternity! What a day that will be!! I trust you have found your "safe place" in Him!
Sincerely submitted.
Dave Jamer

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