Monday, May 23, 2011



This expression of "Kingdom now" was first heard by me more than 30 years ago, and was meant to describe a group of people who believed that the Kingdom of God is presently active on the earth today. It was considered by some denominational leaders that this was a "heretical" teaching. These leaders had been influenced by the teaching that came into the church in the early 1900's by Dr C, I. Scofield. He produced a Bible called The Scofield Reference Bible, which became quite popular. He introduced the theory that all of human history could be divided into seven periods of time that he called "dispensations". Hence this teaching became know as "dispensational" teaching. One part of this teaching declared that every dispensation had to end before the next one could start. This has caused a lot of confusion in the body of Christ, because it is clearly in error. God divided history into only two parts , called the Old Covenant, and the New Covenant, with the ministry of John the Baptist as the dividing point between the two. (Matt 11:11). And these words were spoken by Jesus, so we know they are true! The Kingdom came to earth with the King, Jesus at his incarnation. He often referred to the Kingdom as being "near", or "in your midst" when He was here in person. Because at the present it is invisible and exists only in the hearts of true believers, but when He comes back in the clouds of glory to receive His "Church/Bride" His Kingdom will then be fully manifested!

So those believers who are locked into this dispensational teaching, which places the Kingdom age as being yet future, naturally believe that it can't come as long as the church is still here on earth. Unfortunately this teaching has spawned many false teachings that have become popular in the church. One of these teachings, that has become a firmly established doctrine is the Pretribulation Rapture theory, that teaches that the church must be removed before the end time scenario can begin. This of course includes the church going through the period known as the "great tribulation", first prophesied by Daniel, and confirmed by Jesus in the 24th chapter of Matthew, Paul in his second letter to the Thessalonians, and by John in Revelation. How a false doctrine like this can exist in the face of so many scriptures that teach the exact opposite, is a mystery. But I believed it, and taught it for many years. This is an example of the power of deception, which I know first hand, having believed it for over 30 years!

Thank God I heard about a different teaching known as the Prewrath Rapture, which is clearly based on scripture. We followers of Jesus will certainly not be here when God pours out His "Wrath", that Jesus bore for us on the cross, but we will go through the "wrath of the antichrist", known as the "great tribulation". As I now understand it, God will use this period of persecution to purify His Church so she will be ready for the rapture, which will be followed by God's Wrath. (Rev 15:5-8, 16:1-21)!!

Sincerely submitted.

Dave Jamer

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