Monday, July 25, 2011


This term we have chosen to represent what has been happening in our "religious" world of today, is really a "misnomer" because it is certainly not new. Actually it started back in the "Garden of Eden" with our original parents Adam and Eve. To truly understand it we need to go back much farther than that to a scene described by the OT prophet named Isaiah, that God chose as one of the men He used to record the scriptures. In (Isa 14:12-23) we read about this account of the archangel Lucifer rebelling against God, and being cast out of heaven. This was the beginning of "sin" coming to our planet and affecting the complete human race. (Rom 5:12).  Lucifer, who became Satan, has ever since then been the "enemy of God", and since he cannot touch God he takes out his wrath on us humans.

One of the ways he does this is by trying to bring the whole human race under bondage to him by polluting man's "religions"! Since our Creator God put a desire to worship someone in the hearts of all mankind, what better way to destroy God's plan than to invent lots of "False Religions" for people to follow? So ever since the Garden of Eden, when he deceived Adam and Eve, by causing them to doubt what God had told them. he has been busy creating new ways to deceive God's people today. That is why we read so many warnings in scripture about the danger of being deceived by false prophets and teachers! (Matt 24:4, 5. 11, 24) and (2 Cor 11:12-15) and
(2 Thess 2:1-12) are a few examples of these many warnings.

So check out all false religions, or any of the many cults, and so-called "new revelations" we hear about, very carefully with the Word of God to see if they contain truth or error. (Acts 17:11).  And remember that any truth taken out of context and pushed beyond its true meaning, becomes error. A couple of good scriptures to study are (John 8:31-59) and (1 John 4:1-6). Then remember that God can give us discernment, both natural (Heb 5:11-14), and supernatural (1 Cor 12:10). Both of these are necessary for all of us to prevent us from getting mixed up in any so-called "New Age" teaching that is flooding churches today in these "Last of the Last Days!! These are the days that we have been called by God to live in, so He has made available to us all that we need to stay close to Him, but He expects us to make use of them! So beware of all teachings that don't line up with scripture!
Sincerely submitted.
Dave Jamer

Monday, July 18, 2011



I confess to having a problem that seems to be getting bigger every day, since I started to spend more time studying the Bible several years ago. It has to do with certain well known Bible teachers teaching doctrines that according to my new understanding of scripture are not true. I used to believe and teach these same doctrines for years, but since changing the way I have been approaching scripture lately, God has been showing me a different way of understanding certain passages. I had been taught they meant certain things by my leaders, but once I started using a "Face Value" method of understanding scripture, and laying aside what I had been told, the scriptures suddenly came alive to me! I have been given more "illumination" on certain well known scriptures by the Holy Spirit, that changes the meaning all together. And my problem centers around the area of "why do these experienced teachers" still keep spreading the same old lies to their hearers? This is the basis of my problem!

All I did was to realize that the same Holy Spirit who inspired the authors of scripture, (2 Tim 3:16-17), is the same Holy Spirit that indwells me as a simple follower of Jesus, and I could just ask Him to show me what He had in mind when He told them what words to use. It is a very simple process, and the results have been surprising, giving me a completely different understanding of passages that I thought I knew what they meant. Then I have to be bold enough to make public this new understanding, which often comes against the doctrines of "long standing" in our churches! This can result in you being considered a "rebel" or perhaps a "heretic", or worse. Everyone desires to be well thought of by their peers, and I am no exception, so it is still hard to dispute the doctrines that have been accepted, and taught, in our church circles for years, without being challenged. This is also part of my problem, and I will have to settle it with the Holy Spirit as to what to do with the new things He is showing me. So I would ask you to remember me in prayer, that I might have humility and wisdom as I try to introduce some of the results of this new "illumination" that God has been bringing to me  that are quite a bit different from what we have been taught. I certainly do not consider myself any sort of an expert on Bible interpretation, but simply a follower of Jesus, who has been trying to please the Father. I believe this should be the goal of all of us who claim to be followers of Jesus!
Sincerely submitted.
Dave Jame

Saturday, July 16, 2011

why me


I recently read a little poem that prompted me to ask this question. The poem was part of a devotional in Our Daily Bread, and goes like this,
"On such love, my soul, still ponder
Love so great, so rich, so free;
Say, while lost in holy wonder,
Why, O lord, such love to me?"

Have you ever pondered this truth? Why would God ever care that much for anyone of us sinners that He would allow His Son Jesus to leave heaven and come to earth to die on that cruel cross for you and me? There is an old song that George Beverly Shea used to sing that contain the words  "Oh the wonder of it all, the wonder of it all, just to think that God loves me". This is the sense of wonder that we should never lose; no matter how long we have been a follower of Jesus. Then there is another old song called "Who Am I". Some of the words are "Who am I that a King would bleed and die for, who am I that He would say, not my will but Thine Lord, the answer I may never know, why He ever loved me so, that to an old rugged cross He'd go, for who am I?" This is certainly a valid question to ask, but every person who has received Jesus as their Savior should be able to give a right answer. I've heard the old saying "I'm just a beggar telling another beggar where he found bread", which I guess is OK, but I think I have a better one. Since hearing Bob Mumford's teaching on the Agape Road, I think the better answer to the question of "who am I", would be "I was a lost sinner who has been found by Jesus, and am starting a journey up the Agape Road with Him to find intimacy with the Father". You may have to see the DVD's of Bob's teaching to really understand the full meaning of this statement. I have learned so much from Bob over the years that we have followed his teaching on audio cassettes. But this is definitely his best yet, and is the result of many years of pursuing the word "Agape" (God's love), as opposed to "Eros", which a self centered kind of "taking" instead of "giving" love. This is at the very core of the gospel message, which in the NT scriptures is often referred to as the "gospel of the Kingdom", to set it apart from the many other "gospels" that have come forth at various times in church circles! Let's just use the expression "Believer Beware"!!
Sincerely submitted.
Dave Jamer

Monday, July 4, 2011



I recently read a little poem that prompted me to ask this question. The poem was part of a devotional in Our Daily Bread, and goes like this,
"On such love, my soul, still ponder
Love so great, so rich, so free;
Say, while lost in holy wonder,
Why, O lord, such love to me?"

Have you ever pondered this truth? Why would God ever care that much for anyone of us sinners that He would allow His Son Jesus to leave heaven and come to earth to die on that cruel cross for you and me? There is an old song that George Beverly Shea used to sing that contain the words  "Oh the wonder of it all, the wonder of it all, just to think that God loves me". This is the sense of wonder that we should never lose; no matter how long we have been a follower of Jesus. Then there is another old song called "Who Am I". Some of the words are "Who am I that a King would bleed and die for, who am I that He would say, not my will but Thine Lord, the answer I may never know, why He ever loved me so, that to an old rugged cross He'd go, for who am I?" This is certainly a valid question to ask, but every person who has received Jesus as their Savior should be able to give a right answer. I've heard the old saying "I'm just a beggar telling another beggar where he found bread", which I guess is OK, but I think I have a better one. Since hearing Bob Mumford's teaching on the Agape Road, I think the better answer to the question of "who am I", would be "I was a lost sinner who has been found by Jesus, and am starting a journey up the Agape Road with Him to find intimacy with the Father". You may have to see the DVD's of Bob's teaching to really understand the full meaning of this statement. I have learned so much from Bob over the years that we have followed his teaching on audio cassettes. But this is definitely his best yet, and is the result of many years of pursuing the word "Agape" (God's love), as opposed to "Eros", which a self centered kind of "taking" instead of "giving" love. This is at the very core of the gospel message, which in the NT scriptures is often referred to as the "gospel of the Kingdom", to set it apart from the many other "gospels" that have come forth at various times in church circles! Let's just use the expression "Believer Beware"!!
Sincerely submitted.
Dave Jamer