I recently read a little poem that prompted me to ask this question. The poem was part of a devotional in Our Daily Bread, and goes like this,
"On such love, my soul, still ponder
Love so great, so rich, so free;
Say, while lost in holy wonder,
Why, O lord, such love to me?"
Have you ever pondered this truth? Why would God ever care that much for anyone of us sinners that He would allow His Son Jesus to leave heaven and come to earth to die on that cruel cross for you and me? There is an old song that George Beverly Shea used to sing that contain the words "Oh the wonder of it all, the wonder of it all, just to think that God loves me". This is the sense of wonder that we should never lose; no matter how long we have been a follower of Jesus. Then there is another old song called "Who Am I". Some of the words are "Who am I that a King would bleed and die for, who am I that He would say, not my will but Thine Lord, the answer I may never know, why He ever loved me so, that to an old rugged cross He'd go, for who am I?" This is certainly a valid question to ask, but every person who has received Jesus as their Savior should be able to give a right answer. I've heard the old saying "I'm just a beggar telling another beggar where he found bread", which I guess is OK, but I think I have a better one. Since hearing Bob Mumford's teaching on the Agape Road, I think the better answer to the question of "who am I", would be "I was a lost sinner who has been found by Jesus, and am starting a journey up the Agape Road with Him to find intimacy with the Father". You may have to see the DVD's of Bob's teaching to really understand the full meaning of this statement. I have learned so much from Bob over the years that we have followed his teaching on audio cassettes. But this is definitely his best yet, and is the result of many years of pursuing the word "Agape" (God's love), as opposed to "Eros", which a self centered kind of "taking" instead of "giving" love. This is at the very core of the gospel message, which in the NT scriptures is often referred to as the "gospel of the Kingdom", to set it apart from the many other "gospels" that have come forth at various times in church circles! Let's just use the expression "Believer Beware"!!
Sincerely submitted.
Dave Jamer
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