This phrase is part of a song on a tape by Back to The Bible radio ministry that I heard recently. There is much more to the song, but these words have been constantly in my mind for days! The line these words are taken from states "In the hearts of people God still moves". I believe that is a powerful statement, and explains a very basic scriptural principal that it is the heart, or spirit of a human, that God moves in! Heart and spirit are often used interchangeably in scripture. As you probably know, we humans are created in the image and likeness of our Creator God. (Gen 1:26-27) Since God has revealed Himself as a "Trinity", so we are a three part being. Someone has described us as a "spirit", who has a "soul", who lives in a "body". I believe that to be a proper description of a human being, spirit, soul and body. Paul states that in
(1 Thess 5:23), where he clearly uses these three words to describe us followers of Jesus.
Church history records many moves of the Holy Spirit throughout the years since the first Pentecost of (Acts 2:4). Some of them have lasted for weeks, months, or sometimes years, but many were infiltrated by unholy spirits from the enemy's kingdom of darkness, and caused confusion and division! It would appear that every time there is a genuine move of God, Satan is quick to start a counter move, in an attempt to offset the real thing with a counterfeit move. It is often very difficult to tell the difference between a true and a false or counterfeit move of the Spirit. Paul lists the gifts of the Spirit in (1 Cor 12:7-11), in verse 10 he tells about one called "the ability to discern whether a message is from the Spirit of God, or from another spirit." (NLT)
It seems to me that this might be the most important gift of the Spirit that the followers of Jesus require to stand against the deception that Jesus said to beware of in these last days! (Matt 24: 4, 5, 11, 24, 25). Paul also warns us in (2 Cor 11:13-15) to expect false prophets, and workers of iniquity sent forth by Satan to deceive believers, and hinder the extension of the Kingdom of God. So as followers of Jesus in these present times, let us pray for moves of God's Holy Spirit, both within the church, and outside the organized church structures. But let us also pray for the gift of discerning of spirits, so we can be able to discern between the true move of God, and the counterfeit moves of Satan. Yes, God still moves by His Spirit in the hearts of His people, but remember Satan still tries to hinder with his unholy spirits!
Sincerely submitted.
Dave Jamer
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