As followers of Jesus we need to know for sure just how our Heavenly Father sees us. We all enter this world as little "lost sinners", because of the inherited sin of Adam, who was the first sinner because he disobeyed the only restriction his Creator placed on him. In (Rom 5:12) Paul explains how this sin affected all humans because of that original sin on his part. Then when Paul wrote his letter to the church in Ephesus he repeats this dilemma we find ourselves in, (Eph 2:1-10). Only God can deliver us from this crisis, but he requires our cooperation. God lives outside our realm of time and space, in what we refer to as "eternity". There is no such thing as "past" or "future" in eternity, as I understand it, and everything is an "eternal present". So that is where God lives, so to speak, and with our finite minds it is difficult to really comprehend it. And because He lives outside of time He sees the beginning and the end of things all at once. We refer to this as the "foreknowledge" of God, and we call this "predestination" in human terms.
So when Adam sinned in the Garden of Eden, and brought sin on the entire human race, He knew immediately what He would do to "reverse the curse" this brought on all of creation. This was when the complete plan of redemption was set in motion that required His Son Jesus to come down to earth and be born of a virgin so he would be the only "sinless" human being that would be able to die on the cross to pay the price required for satisfying the demands of His Holiness! What a marvelous God we serve!!
Jesus was referred to as the "Lamb of God" that takes away the sin of the world by His sacrificial death on the cross. There is a little chorus we often sing in the church we attend, that goes like this.
"When He sees me, He sees the blood of the Lamb.
He sees me as worthy, and not as I am.
He views me in garments, as white as the snow.
For the Lamb of God is worthy, and He loves me this I know".
This applies to all sinners who acknowledge their sin and repent of it, and accept the finished work of Jesus as payment for that sin. They are then "born again" and the Father "adopts" them into His Forever Family!!
Sincerely submitted.
Dave Jamer 08/03/12
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