Monday, April 9, 2012




Recently when checking what I have written over the last few years on the subject of "baptisms" in scripture, I discovered how my understanding of this subject has changed. The first article I could find was written in March 2007, shortly after I started to use the computer. It was called "Three Baptisms", then three years later I put together one called "Four Baptisms", followed by one in July 2010 called "The Fourth Baptism", to try to explain what I meant about baptism number four. Does that sound confusing to you?

Perhaps it does, but I see it as a sign of my understanding of this subject changing over the years as I matured, and saw things a little bit clearer. This naturally required me to be open to receiving more "enlightenment" on this subject of "baptisms" (plural) from (Heb 6:2), and notice I don't use the term more "revelation". I don't believe in this often used term some prophetic people call a "new revelation", that they claim to have just received from God. I believe that God had all the revelations He ever wanted us to receive recorded in the Bible, and the proper term we should use is further "enlightenment" on this original "revelation"! And He gives this as we seek Him, and are willing to receive it from Him, and leave behind whatever our former understanding might have been.


I believe a lot of wrong doctrine has been introduced to the church over the years by well meaning people who had what they believed were "new revelations" possibly given to them by the "god of this world", pretending to be Almighty God our Creator! A careful study of early church history, right up to our 21st century will reveal many such claims that have been adopted into "church doctrines", and have caused much confusion and divisions in the "Body of Christ", which is "His Church". Some of the more evident ones like the "secret rapture", or the "dispensational theory" can be easily proven false by a simple checking them against scripture, but some require further prayer and study to uncover the error they proclaim. Then there is the change that comes from simply receiving more enlightenment on spiritual truth by becoming more mature in our understanding of scripture, as in my case regarding the topic of baptisms. Our spiritual journey can be quite different from others, but we should be all growing from our "new birth", to "mature sons or daughters" in our Father's Forever Family. And if we cannot see growth from year to year, we should look for the problem, just like you would if you had a child that didn't grow toward maturity!!

Sincerely submitted.

Dave Jamer                                                                                17/03/12


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