This was the title given to Jesus by His cousin John, as recorded in (John 1:29-34). As you know he was fulfilling his role that gained him the title of "John the Baptist", by baptizing those who were coming to hear his preaching on the need to "repent". John was the man that the OT prophet Isaiah referred to in (Isa 40:3), and was the man that Jesus declared was the last of the OT prophets. And in (Matt 11:9-15) He confirms John's ministry as being the pivot point between the OT and the new. Since Jesus was the only man who was ever "virgin born", He was the only perfect man since Adam, who was created in the image of God. Because His Mother Mary was impregnated by the Holy Spirit, He escaped the original sin all the rest of us inherited from Adam. This made Him the one and only "God Man" who ever lived and the only one qualified to die on the Cross of Calvary to pay the debt we all owed. (Rom 6:23). So Jesus Christ settled the account for everyone who hears the good news of the gospel of the Kingdom, and repents of their sinful lifestyle inherited from Adam and believes on Jesus, and receives Him as Lord and Savior. When He cried out from the cross "It is finished", He meant the price of redemption for the entire human race was "paid in full", and nothing needs to be added to it.
This meant an end to the religious sacrifices that were part of the Law of Moses that the Israelites followed for years. The OT laws required the death of a sacrificial lamb without any blemish, which was merely a symbol of the true "Lamb of God", which was fulfilled by Jesus on the cross. This not only put an end to the OT system of sacrifices of animals, but also introduced the "New Covenant" that God had promised His people, through the prophet Jeremiah, many years before. (Jer 31:31-34). This new covenant was not a God to man covenant like the original that the people broke continually, but this new covenant was made between God the Father and God the Son. And therefore can never be broken, because God is a faithful Covenant Keeper! This is a very important teaching that all followers of Jesus need to understand, but unfortunately has not been clearly explained by most churches that I have attended. In fact the whole message of the Kingdom of God as a "now" thing, as well as a "future" thing that will be fulfilled when Jesus comes back to set up His Eternal Kingdom here on earth. See Revelation chapter 21 for the details of this relocation of what we have always understood as "heaven" to the "New Jerusalem" down here on our planet some time in the future!!
Sincerely submitted,
Dave Jamer. 17/05/12