This expression is found in Paul's second letter to the Corinthians, (2 Cor 11:4). He has been warning the people about the danger of having their faith corrupted by false teachers. This is a definite danger for us in these "last days" in which we are living. Jesus and apostles like Paul warned us in several places to beware of false teachers. Read (Matt 24:4,11) to hear the words of Jesus, and (2 Peter 2:1) as well as (2 Cor 11:3-4) mentioned above, are all very clear warnings. Notice that Paul speaks of "a different Jesus", a "different spirit", and a "different gospel", as being possible things for believers to be corrupted by.
Today there are many different Jesus' being preached. In parts of South America we hear of a Marxist Revolutionary "Jesus", and of course many people believe in a New Age "Jesus", or a "Jesus" who appeals to secular humanists etc. These are just a few different ideas about Jesus that you could be exposed to by listening to a "different gospel", that is being spread by a "different spirit", which is really a deceiving demon. Paul mentions these in (1 Tim 4:1) "Now the Holy Spirit tells us clearly that in the last times some will turn away from the true faith, they will follow deceptive spirits and teaching that comes from demons." NLT. Notice that he is talking about true believers, and not just church goers, or make believe Christians! Some people have been led to believe that true Christians cannot possibly be "demonized", or be a carrier of a demon, but scripture and experience will not support that doctrine. It seems that a person can be a carrier of a demon before accepting Jesus as Savior, or could pick up one later by believing in a "different Jesus" as mentioned above. In either case the remedy is the same, the "different spirit", or demon must be expelled or cast out as we see Jesus and the disciples doing in scripture. Demons are spirits without a body, and we see them always wanting to inhabit a body when they are mentioned in scripture. They prefer a human body, but will settle for the body of an animal rather than to remain body-less. (Mark 5:11-13) So let's be careful we are following the True Jesus, the one and only Son of God, Immanuel (Matt 1:23), who came from heaven to die on the cross to redeem us from our sin!!
Sincerely submitted.
Dave Jamer 20/04/12
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