Monday, July 2, 2012




This will be a correction to part of what I included in the first part that I put together recently. I started out by describing how I understand the term "Body of Christ" to actually mean, it is the Church that Jesus said He would build, and has been in the process of doing for some 2000 years since His death and resurrection. I have been a member of that Church for nearly 50 years here in Saint John NB, and have many good memories of experiences in various church settings during that time. But I may of confused some people by a statement I made later in the article that I would like to clarify. My statement read "it grieves me to think that I have been part of these structures", and that could be read as pertaining to my whole time in these various churches I have been part of. And that would certainly be a wrong interpretation, because I love the true Church of Christ and have always tried to serve the churches I have been part of in various capacities from deacon, to board member, to elder, and then as pastor for over 10 years. I certainly do not regret any of that time spent in those positions in these local churches.


The problem came in when I changed my focus in part one to what I consider as "non-biblical" churches that are in my mind merely imitations of real Churches. A "church" that would sanction ordaining an openly declared homosexual person or approve of so-called "same sex marriages" should not even bear the name of "church" in my opinion. I have never been part of such a structure, but what I meant that I "grieve" is the fact that during the first part of my time in these churches I believed in, and taught others the "false" doctrine called the Pretribulation Rapture. That is only one of the many other doctrines that are part of some church structures that are only partly based on scripture. As far as I know that was the only one that I was involved in, and that is what I should have made clear in my first part of this article. So I hereby apologize to anyone who might have thought I was grieving my time spent in Churches where I saw God do marvelous things. I fully expect Him to do even greater things in these last days of time here on earth, by the work of His Holy Spirit through members of His Body who are the true followers of Jesus, Praise His Name!! I am still concerned for other false teachings that are spreading through certain church circles, but that will be part of a separate article to come later.

Sincerely submitted

Dave Jamer                                                                                       28/06/12

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