Tuesday, November 20, 2012




This is a very easy comparison to make to clear up any confusion about who has "eternal life", and who is still a "sinner". The book of Romans was written by the man who was known as Saul of Tarsus who met Jesus on the Damascus road one day and had a transformation experience to become the apostle Paul who wrote the Letter to the Romans plus many other letters that are all part of our NT scriptures. You can read of his conversion experience in (Acts 9:1-9), so he knows what he is talking about. No one in their right mind can possibly read (Rom 3:9-26) and not realize that they have been a sinner in God's eyes since birth. Only people who have been brought up believing certain lies of Satan that they can be become a Christian by doing certain good works like going to church and being "religious" etc. Jesus told a very religious man in (John 3:1-8) that he must be "born again" to be part of God's Kingdom and go to heaven when he died. A careful read through chapters 5 and 6 of Romans will show anyone clearly what happens when we put our faith and trust in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and be baptized in water. We become a new creation in Jesus as Paul declares later in (2 Cor 5:17), this we refer to as the "New Birth" and is absolutely a necessary step to becoming a follower of Jesus as Paul did and went on to become one of the greatest of the early apostles.


But even Paul still had a problem with his "flesh nature" as revealed in chapter 7. When we are born again our old "sin nature" that we inherited from Adam died with Jesus on the cross and was buried by our baptism in water. But our flesh nature is with us until we die physically, and this is what Paul was describing in chapter 7. So in chapter 8 he explains how to have victory over the "flesh", read (Rom 8:1-11) to see how to maintain the victory in the Christian life. Unfortunately many people who only think they are true Christians are not, because they have never been "born again" and still remain in their original sinful condition. I believe a simple reading of these chapters of Romans would clearly show them how easy it is to know without any doubt, where you stand with God. We know that He is not willing that any should perish but that all come to accept eternal life in Christ Jesus the Lord and Savior. But every one of us is given a "free will" with which to make choices. The "wise choice" is to choose Jesus and be assured of eternal life with Him and His Father, and the "foolish choice" is simply to not make the wise choice and suffer the consequences!!

Sincerely submitted.

Dave Jamer                                                                                  19/11/12

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