I recently read a copy of "New Wine", a charismatic magazine that used to come into our home every month throughout the 70's and 80's. This copy dated July/Aug 1975 contained articles by Bob Mumford, Jack Hayford, Derek Prince, Bruce Longstreth, Michael Ford and John Poole. All these men wrote on the common theme of "The Local Church", and I was impressed by the truth they presented from a wide variety of perspectives.
There is much the church can learn from these men some 30+ years later.
Bob Mumford---Wrote on the vision of the local church with words like,
"When we begin to see the magnitude of God's plan, we see the church as the answer to the world's problems", "Thus the body of Christ can thrive anywhere, in any society, and under any circumstances". He discusses the basic plan of God for the church under the headings of 1/ pattern, 2/ principles, 3/ power. Then he points out the seven aspects of the nature of the local church, which are, 1/ A dwelling place for God, 2/ The body of Christ, 3/ An assembly for corporate worship, 4/ A spiritual school, 5/ A hospital for wounded soldiers, 6/ A spiritual deliverance center for POW's, 7/ A spiritual home to teach people about the earth's salvation. He closes with this conclusion of a local church "There will be someone over us---someone under us---and someone beside us. And God will cement us together by His Holy Spirit. This completes the structure in any given geographical location---the Church which is His Body!" Jack Hayford---Jack calls his article "Charismatic Explosion in the Local Church". He mentions "Outward and Inward Growth", "A Resurgence of Teaching", "A View Toward Balance", "A New Experience in Worship", and "Development of Body Ministry". He speaks much about the need for teaching and instruction to both new believers as well as older saints, with a special emphasis on discipline. He ends with this "Individuals in the body need to learn to expect loving correction, and the leaders need to learn to give it in the power of the Spirit. It will finally prove to be, I believe, the factor that keeps this explosion we have discussed as an instrument of construction rather than one of high-rise dust clouds and just so much noise!", A good word, and remember it was given over 30 years ago!!
The other articles were equally impressive and each one added to the other to give a well balanced description of what God expects from local churches that are structured and functioning according to the pattern laid out in the NT by Paul and the other NT writers!
Sincerely submitted.
Dave Jamer 20/10/11
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