Monday, August 4, 2014

The Fellowship of the Unashamed



I recently read a book by that name, published by the SKY family in PEI. I obtained it from their website <>, and was so impressed by it, that I would encourage everyone to buy a copy for some friend, and read it for yourself before you give it away! That's how much I think of it, and believe everyone can benefit from it. It is not an ordinary type of book but is more an outline for a Bible study, 213 pages divided into 27 chapters, or a little less than 8 pages per chapter. It is more or less based on the 10 commandments of God that were expanded to 613 rules or regulations by the religious Jewish leaders at the time of Jesus. Religion has a way of doing that, to make it difficult for the average person to follow. Jesus came to earth to destroy "religion", and replace it with a "relationship" with our heavenly Father. This relationship is not difficult to establish, or maintain. It only requires a little faith, and obedience to what God has declared in His Word! Any child, who reaches the age of understanding simple truth that is explained to them, can start this relationship with Father God, through accepting His Son Jesus and what He did for us on the cross! It is not complicated, like some religious leaders have made it out to be.


One important truth I learned, after being part of the "church" for nearly 50 years, was the difference between the "moral law" (the 10 commandments), which Jesus came to fulfill, and the 613 "ceremonial laws" that He came to destroy! No one ever explained that to me through all these many years in church meetings. That is only one of many things that I received new illumination on. We are never too old to learn new things, providing we are open, and realize that we don't know everything! Sometimes a knowledge of "religion", and a feeling of wanting to "look good", and "be right", can prevent us from receiving more of God's truth. By the way these are 2 of the "7 giants" that Bob Mumford describes in his book called the "Agape Road".

That is another book that I have learned a lot from, and am still trying to apply these truths to my own life. Both of these books are good tools to have on hand, both to gain from yourself and to share with others. I find that books that are solidly based on scripture, can often help you understand scripture better, and help you grow in your spiritual walk!!


Sincerely submitted.

Dave Jamer                             Revised 17/09/13                                                                                                                                                                              

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