Wednesday, September 24, 2014

The Lion of The Tribe of Judah



The fifth chapter of the book of Revelation is dedicated entirely to a discussion of this person who is none other than Jesus Christ in His resurrected heavenly body. We have many pictures in various passages of scripture of Jesus the Son of God, starting with Him as the lowly babe in the manger in Bethlehem, then as described by John the Baptist in (John 1:29) as the "Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world", plus many others. In this case it is given by John as he is weeping because no one is found worthy to open the scroll in the hand of God, then in (Rev 5:5) we read "But one of the twenty four elders said to me, stop weeping! Look, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the heir to David's throne, has won the victory. He is worthy to open the scroll and its seven seals". As I understand scripture, Jesus is the only member of the Godhead that we refer to as the Trinity, who actually has a body. When we read about Moses speaking to God "face to face" on the mountain of God, it has to be Jesus he is talking to because of (Exod 33:17-23). The "rock" that God mentions that He would place Moses in would represent Jesus!   


Then we have the description of Jesus given by John in (Rev 1:12-20), and then again in (Rev 19:12-16), so we have many pictures of Jesus to help us understand Him a little better. Actually it appears to me that Jesus will make 3 visits to our planet all together, first as "a baby King in Bethlehem", then second as our deliverer from the Antichrist at the rapture (1 Thess 4:15-18) although at that time He only comes in the clouds of glory, and we go up to meet Him, and then as "the King of kings and Lord of lords" in (Rev 19:12-16), when He comes to defeat His enemies at the "battle of Armageddon". The other pictures we have of Him are all heavenly scenes, and we will have to wait until we get there to see Him in person. But probably the most important picture we need to see Him as, is "The Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world". What He accomplished for us on the cross is certainly the "very core" of the Gospel of The Kingdom. And that is the basis of our assurance of salvation that needs to be made known to the whole world. So as committed followers of Jesus we certainly have our work cut out for us. People need to know how very much God loves them just the way they are. He showed this by allowing His only begotten Son Jesus to die in our place on the cross as our "Redeemer". Jesus was the "perfect God/Man" who was qualified to settle the debt we all owed as lost sinners (Rom 6:23)!!

Sincerely submitted.

Dave Jamer                                  23/09/14                                                                                

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