Recently I put together an article called "A Revised View of Creation", but now after checking out Louie Giglio on You Tube, and watching some of his presentations like "How Great is Your God" and "Our God is Indescribable" has prompted me to put together this article. I don't know about you, but I have been interested if finding out more about our universe since I became a follower of Jesus some 50+ years ago. I never believed in "The Theory of Evolution", and consider it just man's effort to disprove the Bible account. I believe the Bible to be God's "Instruction Manual" containing everything that He wants us to know. I believe it from Genesis to Revelation, although I don't profess to understand everything it teaches. Read (2 Tim 3:16-17) for details of God's intentions for having it written.
I consider life on earth to be a process that starts with our "natural birth" from our mother's womb. This prepares us for our "natural life" here on earth, but we need a "spiritual birth" in order to prepare us for a life after this present one ends. Jesus tried to explain this to a religious leader named Nicodemus in (John 3:1-8); of course he couldn't understand what Jesus meant by His expression "You must be born again". This "spiritual birth" is necessary to prepare us for a life in heaven with Jesus. Adam was the first human that God created, and then God stated "It is not good for man to be alone", so God put Adam asleep and took parts from Adam and formed Eve, and they became the first "one flesh" couple. But we know the story from (Gen 3:1-24) where we read the account of how they were deceived by the enemy and ate the forbidden fruit from the "tree of the knowledge of good and evil" and brought sin and death into God's perfect creation. Most of us consider our universe to be just what we can see, perhaps with a small telescope, but now by the use of the "Hubble Telescope" we can see much farther into space than ever before. And now the specialists are telling us that our universe is expanding in all directions. This would seem to be almost impossible for our "finite minds" to grasp, but the evidence is now before us. It just goes to show us how "Exceedingly Great" is our Creator God! Then it takes someone like Louie Giglio to show us clearly just how great our Creator really is to create such a spectacular creation that is still enlarging from day to day. And to realize that this "Great Creator" has come down to Planet Earth to become our "Lord and Savior", is truly the Greatest Miracle of Miracles, and He loves each one of us!!
Sincerely submitted.
Dave Jamer 15/01/15