Friday, June 10, 2016

Blueprint For The End Times



Given by Jesus in (Matt 24:4-44), in answering 2 questions put to Him by His disciples in verse 3. 1/ Tell us, when will these things be? 2/ and what will be the sign (singular) of your coming, and of the end of the age? Notice that from verse 4-13 Jesus lists some signs (plural) that will all be a forerunner to His coming, and indeed we are seeing some of them now, but in verse 14 He clearly mentions the "sign" (singular), that will immediately be followed by "and then the end will come". Many false theories have come forth about the timing of events involved in the end time scenario, but we can believe the outline given here by Jesus! If anyone should know how things are going to play out, it is Jesus. If you check out the time words in this passage, like "then", or "after these things", you will see that the chronology follows that given to Daniel by God in what we have come to know as Daniel's "seventieth week" (Dan 9:24-27). And remember that these are not the words of any mere man, but the words of none other than the Son of God Himself, so we know they are accurate!


It is amazing how many theories have been introduced into church doctrines by well meaning men who have tried to predict when Jesus will come back to receive His Bride/Church. Jesus said clearly that only the Father knows when the Church has cleansed herself sufficiently to be ready to be received by Jesus as His Bride. Some people mistakenly think the church is ready for an "any moment" rapture, but when you check scriptures like (Eph 5:24-27) you can easily see that what is considered the "church" today, is no where ready to meet the Lord and be taken to heaven! The average church body is such a mixture of "religious" activity and the works of the "flesh", that they are no different than a "social club". We read statistics today that say the record of divorces and remarriages within the church are no different than that of couples outside the church. And the number of men involved in adultery or viewing Porn is no different either. And this definitely should not be if the church is a Biblical Church. From my perspective as a member of several different churches for many years, I would have to say that I have never yet experienced what I would call a true "Biblical Church"!!

Sincerely submitted.

Dave Jamer                                                                                          


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