Thursday, September 22, 2016

Our Human Gender



All of us who are members of the human race were created by our Divine Creator, as either "male" or "female". (Gen 1:27) Our gender was clearly Chosen by our Creator before we were ever conceived in our mother's womb. And our Creator is perfect in every way, and never makes any mistakes. So I fail to understand the big "issue" that has been created lately by this so-called LGBT movement! Apparently the leaders of this movement don't read their Bibles, or there never would be an issue. From my perspective as a follower of Jesus, this whole issue must be caused by our enemy Satan, who was formerly known as Lucifer in heaven. He was created by God as part of His three highest created beings, called Arch-angles named Michael, Gabriel, and Lucifer. The history of how sin was found in him and God had to "cast him out of heaven" for his sin of "pride and rebellion" are all detailed, and can be found in (Is 14:12-23), and (Ezek 28:11-19), as both of these OT prophets give the story of why God had to "cast him, out of heaven". He chose to come to earth, the only planet designed to sustain life, where he is referred to as Satan or the Devil, or the Beast of (Rev 13:1-10). He is the avowed enemy of God and His children!!  

Satan cannot create anything, but only destroy what God has created, so as I see it, this whole "issue": is his doing without a doubt. My wife Dora and I have had several great grandchildren added to our family lately, both girls and boys. And it is not hard to tell the difference between the two, the little girls are so petite and beautiful, and the boys are so rugged, and just "all boys", if you know what I mean. The difference between their male and female gender is impossible to miss! So how anyone could become involved in this LGBT issue is beyond my powers of comprehension!


God created us as male and female, with a sexual attraction to the opposite gender in order that we might marry the mate he has chosen for us, and raise a family of children in the Lord!! That should not be difficult to figure out! But because we all live in a "fallen world", since our original parents Adam and Eve were deceived by Satan in the form of a "talking serpent" in the Garden of Eden, and disobeyed their Creator, which brought "sin" into our perfect world. See (Rom 5:12-21) for the details of how this sin spread to all of creation. And that accounts for our present "Gender Issue" in my opinion!!

Sincerely submitted.

Dave Jamer                                                                            


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