Saturday, January 19, 2008


The scriptures speak about both of these things many times, and we should come to a real understanding of each of these words. Both of these words express part of the very essence, or character of God. He is certainly just in all His ways, and because of this He will have to judge evil! We often hear people speak of the coming judgement of God as a very fearful event, when He pours out His wrath on the ungodly after the rapture of the Church. It will indeed be a fearful event for those who have not made the choice to receive Jesus as their own personal Savior, but not for those of us who have made this choice!

God declares over and over in His Word that He is a just and righteous judge, because He is perfect, and knows all things. Therefore His judgements are always based on perfect justice. As we look around the world today we see very little justice! God is often blamed for this injustice because people say if He is really all powerful, then He could prevent these incidents that are unjust. The real problem is that when He created this earth and put Adam in charge of it, and He didn't take back this authority from Adam even when he chose to disobey God's command and follow Satan's suggestions through his wife Eve. Then when at the appointed time Jesus came to earth to be the Savior of fallen mankind, He destroyed Satan's power and gave back the authority to rule the planet earth to His followers, the Church. So the injustice we see in the world is not God's fault, it is the fault of the Church who has not assumed their rightful place of authority, but have given it to the world system which is under the control of Satan!

We will only see a proper system of righteous justice when Jesus returns to set up the visible Kingdom of God on planet earth. This will definitely happen at a time appointed by Father God, as promised in His Word. In the meantime He has given us His Word to direct us in the way of righteousness, and how we should live our lives to please Him. Recently I heard a brother sharing in a message that he was not looking for coming "judgement", but for "justice" on the earth. This clicked with my spirit, because both things are going to come to earth at the same time when Jesus returns! If you study the scriptures that mention "The Day of The Lord" you will clearly see that it is a day of blessing for the righteous, but a day of terror and extreme destructive judgement for the unrighteous! Take your Bible and check it out for yourself! (Acts 17:11).

Sincerely submitted


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