Sunday, January 27, 2008

THE TRUE SIGN (part 1)

Recently while researching the topic of signs and wonders I came across some interesting scriptures that led me to realize that Jesus is really "The True Sign"! In (Isa 7:14) we read the prophecy of a virgin conceiving a child as a sign from God, then in (Matt 1:18-23) this was confirmed to both Mary and Joseph that Jesus was the promised son to be born of the virgin Mary. Then in (Luke 1:26-35) this sign of the virgin birth is again confirmed to Mary. And in (Luke 2:12) Jesus is described as a sign to the shepherds, and in verse 34 He is again referred to as a sign by Simeon. Now a sign is not a fulfillment in itself, but merely points forward to something or someone. For example a road sign points to a certain destination, and usually gives the distance to be covered before the destination can be reached. Now if Jesus is the true "Sign", and I believe scripture states that He is, then what is the fulfillment of that sign? Is it His return to planet earth as is promised in (Acts 1:9-11), or something different? I believe that the fulfillment of the Sign represented by Jesus, could be His Body that is in the process of being formed on planet earth right now. He is the head of this body, and is presently located in heaven at the side of His Father, from where He has been building this body now for some 2000 years. In his letter to the church in Ephesus, Paul speaks much about this body in (Eph 2:19-22, and 4:11-16), as well as other places.

This Body of Christ is the "True Church", composed of people who have been born again by the Spirit of God, and not the nominal denominational variety that carries the name church! At various times in the past God has come to His Church in special ways in a revival or restoration movement. He apparently wants to draw His people closer together, in order to have fellowship with them, and reveal some new truth to them. This could be called a coming "to" His Church for refreshing, teaching, or edification, but because of a teaching that is common in the churches that Jesus is coming at any moment "for" His Church, they miss the real purpose of his coming. He has always desired to have a family of redeemed humans dwelling on planet earth that He could commune with, from the time of Adam and Eve in the garden. However Satan, who is the avowed enemy of God, has done all he can do to prevent this true Church from being formed, and functioning as God planned. I believe this accounts for the many difficulties the Church has experienced since its beginning.

Sincerely submitted.


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