Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Two Gardens



The Scriptures mentions two gardens, Eden, and Gethsemane. We are told that the "Garden of Eden" was a special place prepared by God as a home for our first human and his wife, Adam and Eve. Read Genesis chapter two for the details. It seems that God's plan for His first family on earth was to have them multiply and populate the earth with humans created in the "Image of God", (Gen 1:27-28). But we know that God has had an enemy ever since the Arch Angel Lucifer had to be cast out of heaven because "the sin of pride" was found in him and he rebelled against his Creator. See (Isa 14:12-17) and (Ezek 28:11-17) for details. Lucifer chose to make his new home on our planet Earth, which is the only one created to sustain life. He goes by different names here as Satan, Devil, Destroyer, Deceiver, and Beast etc. Because he was cast out of heaven, he has been the avowed enemy of God ever since, and naturally the enemy of God's children. When he entered Eden as a "talking snake", which should have tipped off Adam and Eve, that something was wrong because normal snakes don't talk. Then he lied to them about God's instruction to not eat the fruit of "the tree of the knowledge of good and evil" or else they would die. They believed his lie and disobeyed the command of God, and brought the curse of "sin and death" on all of creation. See chapter 3 of Genesis for the details of this original sin, and (Rom 5:12-21) for Paul's list of the consequences of this one sin.


As we know, God's plan to remedy this situation was for His only begotten Son Jesus to become a human by way of the "Virgin Birth" of Jesus through the womb of The Virgin Mary of Nazareth. She was a Jewish maiden who was especially chosen to be the natural mother of the Son of God, Jesus Christ. After his life on earth was nearly finished, we see Him praying in the "Garden of Gethsemane" (Mark 14:32-42), the night He was betrayed. Jesus was the one and only "God/Man", 100% God and 100% Man, and of course He knew what faced Him on the cross. So His humanity was crying to His Father "if it is possible take this cup of suffering away from me. Yet I want your will to be done and not mine". Our eternal salvation all depended on that decision made that day be our Savior Jesus Christ. He suffered the unimaginable horrors of Calvary for us sinners, what are we willing to suffer for Him as His followers today?


Sincerely submitted.

Dave Jamer                                                                                                                                 12/09/15

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